Investigating Forensic Evidence in Metaverse: A Comparative Analytical Study

Investigating Forensic Evidence in Metaverse: A Comparative Analytical Study

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 32
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0220-0.ch012
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The chapter deals with the issue of investigating forensic evidence in metaverse. The importance of the chapter stems from its handling of the Metaverse technology, as one of the most prominent technological topics on the global scene at present, which is expected to shine in the coming times as the most prominent form of the development of the internet, which moves humanity to new technological dimensions. Spatial and temporal boundaries. The importance of this chapter is evident in light of the legislative vacuum that exists in the face of all forms of violations that occur in the Metaverse. The chapter aims to shed light on ways to collect digital evidence in the Metaverse. The chapter concluded with a set of recommendations, most notably: the need for concerted international efforts to amend international conventions on cybercrime, led by the Budapest Convention, or to aspire to develop a new international convention that regulates the responsibility of Metaverse service providers and obliges them to comply with cooperation in combating crimes.
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The Importance Of The Study

The study focuses on the Metaverse, which is expected to shine during the coming period as the most prominent image of the development of the Internet, which will move humanity to new technological dimensions(Marshall, 2023: 1), despite the existence of legal provisions governing the confrontation of crimes in cyberspace, However, these rules are perceived to be incapable of confronting modern criminal phenomena across Metaverse, which are based on non-traditional alphabets and different elements in terms of people, facts, and spatial and temporal limits (Jibril, 2023: 103).

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