IoT-Based Smart Gardening System Using the Cloud

IoT-Based Smart Gardening System Using the Cloud

Sudha Senthilkumar, Meghena Danasekar, Brindha K.
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8367-8.ch015
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Gardening is a nice activity. It is not possible to monitor and tend to a garden 24 hours a day, so we need a smart gardening system that can monitor and tend to the garden as we want it. In today's busy world, we forget to nourish and water plants that make our home clean and soothing. It would be really helpful if we get a notification on our phones about our plant health and needs. Taking account of this, the authors came up with the idea of building a smart garden with an IoT plant monitoring system. After the data is processed and verified, a notification is sent about the plant's health. An automated gardening system is designed to enable us to manage gardening, including monitoring moisture, temperature, and humidity. This chapter is on an IoT-based smart garden monitoring system which senses the requirement of the plant and provides it with water as the soil loses its moisture. Thing-speak and Blynk application are used to view sensor data from remote locations.
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Literature Survey

The author Byoungwook Min et al (Min & Park, 2017) explored the potentials of a smart indoor gardening system that links gardening activities and the IoT technology. The benefits of gardening have been emphasized to improve the quality of life. However, a number of reasons due to a lack of gardening culture and apartment housing systems limit personal gardening in Korea. Thus, indoor gardening has been paid attention as an alternative, but it is still a challenge. Previous studies and practices have shown that the IoT technology can be applied to numerous occasions, and can feasibly provide a solution to these gardening issues. This paper proposes a possible smart indoor gardening system to cope with the issues.

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