Knowledge Management in Higher Education and Professional Development in the Construction Industry

Knowledge Management in Higher Education and Professional Development in the Construction Industry

Fung Fai Ng
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59904-933-5.ch195
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Development of a ‘knowledge society’ affects not only enterprises and organisations, but also individuals. Lifelong learning and continuing professional development are essential for graduates and workers to remain competent and competitive. Hence, knowledge management is not only important in business processes, but also in education. As the importance of knowledge management in the construction industry is growing, competence in knowledge management is essential for graduates of curricula related to the construction industry. Design and implementation of such curricula should take into account methods for enriching the knowledge management competences of students in higher education. This chapter reports on lessons learned from the design and implementation of a particular module where principles of knowledge management are integrated into the learning activities.

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