Knowledge Management: An Overview

Knowledge Management: An Overview

Madgula Padmaja
Copyright: © 2017 |Pages: 26
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-1741-2.ch001
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Every man lives with some amount of knowledge. This also applies to new born. It is inbuilt, hidden and visible only in actions. This chapter not only provides introduction but also revolves around the related conceptual framework wherein the definition, issues, types, attributes, levels of knowledge and related items were extensively briefed. The models of knowledge were elaborated. The spiral of Knowledge Management with steps for successful implementation, the budget plan and the team work were debated. After thorough reading of the chapter, reader would be able to identify components of knowledge, discriminate types of knowledge from attributes of knowledge, plan to manage knowledge, and identify, capture, and implement new knowledge in work.
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Philosophy Of Knowledge

Knowledge is location based conscious process. The location is human brain. The texture of knowledge is virtual, hence cannot be seen. The virtual feature of human brain, knowledge cannot be moved physically but virtually it can be given to others. It can be transformed but cannot be transferred. Knowledge is purely subjective, resides in human mind. The location based knowledge moves along with the location, being carried with it, stays with it as long as it resides and dies along with human being. Knowledge is not only the possession of brain it is a part and parcel of it as it, being with it carried out by it, being stored in it, being used by it and being retrieved by it are all multiple important processes. Knowledge reflects in every step of human behavior. It has the overall control on human life. Therefore, knowledge exists per se to command over all perspective of human being. Knowledge of one human mind is small portion in the vast Universe of Knowledge: a drop in ocean.

Universe of Knowledge is termed Epistemology, one of the branches of Philosophy. In view of the philosophical bases to the entire knowledge spectrum, all research necessarily belongs to philosophy. Therefore, the award of the doctoral degree irrespective of the subject, researchers are awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy for their research. Ontology (Theory of Reality) and Ethics (Theory of Values) are the other two branches of Philosophy. Knowledge has many definitions.

Knowledge Show Case

The subtle human mind struggles to capture distinction among data, information and knowledge. At every stage in process of knowledge, it has to distinguish three related concepts i.e. data, information and knowledge. Data always denotes unprocessed form or raw item available in numbers, figures and facts. Information is the processed form of data. Knowledge is the application of information in practice. It can also be information in human mind ignited when situation arise. In this sense, knowledge is hidden to cull out from down the memory to retrieve and apply in relevance.

Knowledge is information possessed in the mind of an individual: it is personalized or subjective information related to facts, procedures, concepts, interpretations, ideas, observations and judgments. (Alavi, 2002).

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