Leaders as Drivers of Change in Cultivating a Social Emotional Learning Workplace

Leaders as Drivers of Change in Cultivating a Social Emotional Learning Workplace

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8731-0.ch001
(Individual Chapters)
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Organization leaders serve as a key indicator of an employee's success and retention. Because the workplace is a learning environment and leaders are critical to an employee's success, it is imperative that leaders are equipped with tools they need to meet the social and emotional needs of employees. Building on the outcomes of social emotional learning (SEL) between teachers and students in classrooms, leaders can benefit from cultivating a social and emotional workplace. Through a variety of methods that support an inclusive work environment, leaders can deepen their adoption of practices that position them to be change agents in the workplace. This chapter seeks to empower leaders with tools to be change agents in transferring the learning environment from an SEL classroom to the workplace through leveraging equitable, SEL practices that foster employee agency while driving toward positive organization performance outcomes.
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Characteristics Of An Sel Workplace Learning Environment

The workplace serves as an adult learning environment with a myriad of opportunities for employees to gain the skills they need to be successful in their current roles and future careers. According to Kankaraš (2021), workplace learning is a process of acquiring knowledge, skills, and other mental capacities while employees complete their work tasks and roles, leading to improved individual and organizational performance. Employees can acquire skills through formal and informal experiences such as new hire onboarding, coaching, job shadowing, and more. To effectively design workplace learning that leads to positive organization outcomes, leaders have to promote learning, and employees need agency within their roles and learning pathways (Kankaraš, 2021). The role of employees as agents of learning and leaders as champions of learning parallels the classroom dynamics between teacher and student. This paralleled experience positions the workplace to be an evolution of the SEL environment.

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