Learning Difficulties and Children's Drawing

Learning Difficulties and Children's Drawing

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1982-6.ch017
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The major purpose of this research study was to detect the significant differences in human figure drawing between the students with learning difficulties and the students without learning difficulties. Moreover, this scientific research aimed to detect the differences between students of different genders with and without learning difficulties. The sample of this study consisted of 80 students who attended elementary school. The 40 were students with learning disabilities and the other 40 were students without learning disabilities. The main research tool used was the Goodenough-Harris drawing test (GH), which was assessed in 20 points. The results showed that the children without learning disabilities outperform children with learning disabilities. The drawing of students without learning difficulties is more detailed and they display more often in their drawing both proportions and symmetries in comparison with students with learning difficulties. Similar results are also observed in the drawings between the two sexes, as girls outperform boys of the same chronological age.
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2. Research Methodology

2.1. Objectives, Research Questions, and Research Hypotheses

The main objective of this research study is to detect the differences in human figure drawing between students with and without learning disabilities, as well as the differences between students of different sexes with and without learning disabilities.

Based on the objectives of our research, the following research questions are formulated:

  • (a)

    Is there a significant difference in human figure drawing between students with and without learning disabilities?

  • (b)

    Is there a significant difference in human figure drawing between students of different genders with and without learning disabilities?

The findings of the relevant literature revies grant us the possibility to hypothesize that students with learning disabilities will be at a disadvantage in the human figure drawing compared to students without learning disabilities. Last but not least, the recent literature review shows that there are differences between boys and girls in human figure design.

2.2. Procedure and Participants

The main objective of this research is to detect how students with and without learning difficulties differ in terms of their basic drawing, as well as how students of different genders differ from each other. 80 students participated in the study. The 40 were students with special educational needs attending the inclusion section of their school, while the remaining 40 were students in the respective general classes in which the students with special educational needs attended. The second grade had 24 students, third grade had 36, and fourth grade had 20. 33 girls and 47 boys participated in this study. The primary research instrument was the 20-point Goodenough's-Harris Drawing Test.


3. Results

According to the study’s findings, there were statistically significant differences between the means of students with and without learning disabilities regarding the limbs and the facial details, or more specifically, the way that the points are mapped: arms and legs in the right position of the torso, appearance of the neck, nose, nostrils, hair, clothes etc..

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