Managing Water Resources: Industry Initiative

Managing Water Resources: Industry Initiative

Sabyasachi Nayak
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-3479-3.ch092
(Individual Chapters)
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Water is linked to every facet of human development and prosperity. This paper seeks to capture the grassroots interventions undertaken by industry in improving the management of water resources. As water can directly impact the livelihood therefore the conservation, revival and development of water resources calls for a comprehensive and holistic approach. It puts into perspective the operational modality of industry in engaging with the community and improving the management of water resources. The objective is to provide a dynamic insight into the operational model of the industry in addressing the accumulated neglect in the water sector. An assessment of the operating model reiterates the positive social, economic, and environmental outcome in a sustainable manner. Therefore, it is proposed to explore operating beyond the level of “watershed” to larger level “river basin”. Going forward it is imperative to revive a culture of community base management of natural resources.
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Water use has been increasing worldwide by about 1% per year since the 1980s. (United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization [UNESCO], 2019) Global water use has increased by a factor of six over the past hundred years. Levels of physical water stress are likely to increase as populations and their demands for water grow, and the effects of climate change intensify (UNESCO, 2018). The planet’s capacity to sustain the growing demands for freshwater is being challenged and by 2050, global water demand is projected to increase by 55% (UNESCO, 2017). Declining water resources are already affecting many parts of the world and an estimated 20% of the world’s aquifers being over-exploited (UNESCO, 2014). The gap between water supply and demand is projected to be of 40% in 2030. Asia will need on average 65% more freshwater withdrawals for their industry and energy sectors by 2030 in order for their national economies to grow as forecast (Water Resource Group, 2012). India is among the ten major water users in the world in terms of volume, which uses 646 km3 of water a year (UNESCO, 2009).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Operating Model: The systematized approach adhered to by industry in ensuring delivery of requisite development outcome leading to improvement in the quality of lives.

Sustainability: Utilize, maintain, and conserve ecological balance by avoiding depletion of natural resources (in this case water) so that the demands of the present generation are met, simultaneously ensure that the concern of the future generation is not compromised.

Innovation: The process of evolving a new idea or concept from an existing practice bringing about a transformation in addressing a pressing issue.

Stakeholder: Stakeholders include individuals, groups, and institutions with an interest or concern in an endeavor.

Water Management: The process of planning, developing, and managing water resources in a holistic manner without compromising the needs of the future generations.

Water Security: Ensuring the availability and accessibility of reliable, safe, and sufficient amount of water in a sustainable manner.

Public Private Community Partnership: This deals with engagement of government, private sector, and civil society to achieve the aims of policy and ensure policy implementation.

Hydrological Cycle: The origin, movement, and distribution of water in the planet.

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