Massive Open Online Courses and MOOCs-SWAYAM: An Assessment of Acceptance

Massive Open Online Courses and MOOCs-SWAYAM: An Assessment of Acceptance

Jyotshna Sahoo, Basudev Mohanty, Lipsha Ratha, Anupama Meher, Jayanta Kumar Sahu
Copyright: © 2018 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-5146-1.ch004
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are relatively new models for imparting high quality online education not only on different platforms but also multi-learners can simultaneously access from different geographical regions. Within a very short span these courses have gain momentum across the globe through prominent academic and research bodies by investing considerable efforts in developing, promoting and in delivering such courses. While MOOC courses are being imparted through popular global platforms like Coursera, Udacity, edx, Future Learn etc. by a number of top ranked Universities, SWAYAM (Study Webs of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Mind) is an Indian platform launched involving development of MOOCs e-contents. In this paper, attempts have been made to provide a state-of- the art of the growing popularity of MOOCs courses from several dimensions with specific emphasis on SWAYAM and its usage pattern. To carry out the present work requisite data has been collected from various sources like web portals, reports, SCOPUS database and Similar-Web's analytics tools.
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Objectives Of The Study

The very objective of the present work is to assess growing popularity of MOOCs courses globally and also provide the state-of-the art of MOOCs (SWAYAM)-the Indian platform for online courses. The scope of the study is limited to the following objectives.

  • To assess the proliferation of scholarly literature on MOOC.

  • To assess the number of students enrolled, number of universities where MOOCs are being imparted and number of courses imparted under MOOCs at global level.

  • To find out the top 20 Universities imparting MOOCs.

  • To illustrate the popular MOOC platforms and courses divided by subjects.

  • To provide a detail account of MOOC (SWAYAM) in terms of its distinguishing features like stakeholders, learning paths and number of courses imparted under each learning path.

  • To show the LIS courses available under MOOC (SWAYAM).

  • To show the usage pattern of MOOC (SWAYAM).

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