Measuring Progress Towards the Sustainable Development Goals: Creativity, Intellectual Capital, and Innovation

Measuring Progress Towards the Sustainable Development Goals: Creativity, Intellectual Capital, and Innovation

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8426-2.ch006
(Individual Chapters)
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In the modern, knowledge-based economy, it is believed that mastering the methods and tools for assessing intellectual capital and capitalizing on intellectual capital influence on economic performance are essential criteria. In addition, it has been prompted that the key issues specific to performance are directly related to those of intellectual capital measurement, having to respond to the challenges of a new economy and sustainable world, built through alliances not only locally, regionally, and nationally, but also internationally – only from this perspective being able to approach performance and the idea that, in time, performance will have the potential to lead to the necessary, but sinuous and difficult road, to excellence. This chapter explores this in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals.
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First of all, this work prepared for this topic started with the study of specialized works focused on intellectual capital. Based on the literature studied, it was found that the issue of intellectual capital created a lot of optimism and generated many expectations, especially from the moment when its valences were intuited, consequently attributing to it many of the successful results, which implicated that intellectual capital started to occupy a central place of discussions and concerns for the first promoters – some involved in business, others rather oriented towards the analysis of the differences that delimited the level of organizations with a similar field of activity. The specialists’ enthusiasm towards intellectual capital intellectual capital has captured very easily the attention of a significant number of researchers and practitioners who become, in a short time, pioneers in the field of intellectual capital.

Unfortunately, after deepening the study of specialized works focused on intellectual capital, it was found that even the most persevering and enthusiastic of specialists in the study and analysis of intellectual capital, become little by little increasingly skeptical about reaching a consensus on the definition(s), analysis and identification of instruments and methods for measuring it, which should be generalizable and unanimously accepted. In this sense, for example, reference could be made to the research belonging to reputed specialists such as Sveiby, Robson, Smith, Roos, and so on.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Intellectual Capital Valuation Models: There have been noticed difficulty and inconsistency of the use of those intellectual capital valuation models proposed by intellectual capital specialists when they were applied in practice in other companies and/or in other domains, which led to the idea that the findings did not meet the expectations, although, at least intuitively, they were considered to have the potential to generate concrete results.

Performance: The multidimensional approach of this concept acknowledge here has its origins in the finding that controversies regarding the recognition and measurement of intellectual capital which have led to the development of possible solutions and systems for calculating and disclosing performance generated or stimulated by different components of intellectual capital, also to the main premises that favored the use of intangible assets in general and intellectual property in particular in the transfer of results and the reduction of the taxable base by transferring income to tax havens or jurisdictions that do not tax these categories of assets.

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