Metaverse Platforms: New Age Revolution in Digital World

Metaverse Platforms: New Age Revolution in Digital World

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 13
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2422-6.ch001
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The idea of the metaverse has drawn a lot of interest as the possible next big thing in the digital world. This chapter shows the underlying technologies guiding the development and uptake of various metaverse platforms through a thorough investigation of those platforms. It looks at how mixed reality, augmented reality, and virtual reality are coming together in the metaverse and explains how these platforms are promoting a smooth transition between the real and virtual worlds. It looks at how these platforms might completely change how consumers interact with products, content, and other crossing national borders and reinventing the digital economy. This chapter concludes by making a strong case for the metaverse's role as a spark for the digital age's revolutionary shift. It promotes a comprehensive comprehension of the metaverse's transformational potential and calls for more investigation into the complex effects it has on technology, society, and the world economy.'
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Historical Background And Evolution

Though it has garnered a lot of attention lately, the idea of the metaverse originated in early computer science and science fiction literature. Neal Stephenson first used the word “metaverse” in his 1992 book “Snow Crash,” in which he imagined a virtual reality-based internet replacement. This made-up universe provided a venue for trade, social interaction, and entertainment, among other things. Since then, a lot of futurists, technologists, and businesspeople have been intrigued by the concept.

Virtual worlds like Second Life, which allowed users to build and interact with each other in a digital environment, first started to appear in the early 2000s. Although these platforms could not completely grasp the notion of the metaverse, they did provide the foundation for online social interactions and the creation of virtual economies In the 2010s, when advances in virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technology started to offer more immersive and participatory experiences, the term “metaverse” attracted renewed interest. Businesses like Facebook, Google, and Microsoft began making significant investments in virtual reality and augmented reality with the goal of building global user-accessible, networked virtual environments.

Gaming, entertainment, and even finance have all turned their attention to the metaverse in recent years. Businesses like Roblox Corporation and Epic Games have created virtual places where people can engage in a variety of activities, such as gaming, socializing, and content production. Additionally, the development of decentralized virtual worlds where users may own and trade digital goods has been facilitated by the rise of blockchain technology. The COVID-19 pandemic expedited the advancement and assimilation of metaverse technology, as individuals pursued substitute means for remote socialization, employment, and leisure pursuits.

The metaverse was still in its infancy in 2022, when I last updated my knowledge, and a number of businesses and organizations were vying for prominence in this newly developing field. Future technological developments and greater funding for the metaverse are probably going to continue to influence how it develops, maybe creating a digital environment that is more immersive and linked than what is possible in the virtual world now.

Companies like Meta (formerly Facebook), Microsoft, and Epic Games have been at the forefront of this virtual renaissance, pouring billions of dollars into metaverse development. Their efforts have paved the way for the creation of immersive digital worlds, where users can interact, collaborate, and even conduct business in ways that transcend physical boundaries (Park & Kim, 2022).

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