Mobbing and Word-of-Mouth Communication (WOM) in the Digital Age: An Application of Crisis Situations in Maritime Organisations

Mobbing and Word-of-Mouth Communication (WOM) in the Digital Age: An Application of Crisis Situations in Maritime Organisations

Nihan Senbursa, Ali Tehci
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9815-3.ch013
(Individual Chapters)
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Businesses today face more intense competition than in the past as a result of advancements in information and communication technologies. Supporting employees and developing positive relationships with their managers are critical for the organization's and employees' performance. Mobbing behaviour, which is prevalent in the workplace, has a detrimental effect on employees' performance and motivation. The purpose of this chapter was to assess an organization's mobbing behaviour from a management and marketing perspective and within the context of crisis management. The chapter also aimed to determine whether employee exposure to mobbing results in a significant difference in word-of-mouth communication (WOM). The research concluded that employee exposure to mobbing resulted in a significant difference in WOM.
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“In today's world, “an effective crisis management” takes its ship to safe harbors.”

Workplaces are areas where employees socialize, interact, develop their potential, work in teams and be happy. In peaceful and healthy organizations, a climate of enthusiasm, joy, sharing, effective communication, freedom of thought, feedback and suggestion systems and a high level of synergy prevails (Kılıç, 2019). However, in some organizations, contrary to this mentioned climate, employees are exposed to emotional violence, namely mobbing. The phenomenon of “emotional violence (mobbing)” has recently emerged globally for the last 30 years as one of the primary problems of many businesses in many fields. The outcomes of the exposure to mobbing, not only affects their social lives and families, but also their societies and businesses interests. It was only in the early 1980s that mobbing in the workplace began to be defined and systematically analyzed by Heinz Leymann, who used the term “mobbing” to describe workplace terror (Leymann & Gustafsson 1984). However, although the phenomenon of mobbing in the workplace is very old in all societies, it is well hidden due to its inconspicuous nature and there are great problems in determining its characteristics and dimensions (Brodsky, 1976; Olweus, 1978). The process of mobbing in the workplace has dramatic effects on workers, employees, their families, the organization, but also looking from the general overview mobbing has permanent effects on society (Chappell & Di Martino, 2006).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Maritime Organization: Maritime businesses management section covers maritime-related management and administrative activities. The maritime business management department is an academic department that aims to train individuals who are competent in ship management, maritime law, logistics, ship-related finance, or supply chain management. Maritime businesses include many subjects and businesses from maritime businesses to maritime activities, from ship financing to human resources management.

Mobbing: “Mobbing,” which is referred to as “bullying, emotional harassment or intimidation” applied in the workplace, long-term systematic pressure exerted by the person or group in power on others, especially in hierarchically structured groups and in organizations where control is weak, is defined as creating emotional attack and attrition. False accusation is defined as malicious attempts to discredit, humiliate, and force a person to quit their job, by direct or indirect violence, through hearsay.

Digitalization: The digitalization of different areas of production and service sector means that the work that was previously done manually or by people is done entirely or to a certain extent by programmed machines. It is also called Capitalism or the fourth industrial revolution. Digitization is the transfer of accessible information to any computer, smartphone, tablet, etc. It can be defined as the name given to the process of transferring it to digital media so that it can be read by technological tools, edited in those environments, and included in workflows.

Word-of-Mouth Communication: Word-of-mouth communication is defined as positive or negative verbal communication between groups such as experts, employees, family members, friends and current or potential customers, independent of the forwarding. The literature underlines that word-of-mouth communication is a very effective factor in the decision of employees' positive or negative thoughts about their organization.

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