Mobile Learning and Bring Your Own Device (BYOD): Enhancing Education in the Digital Age

Mobile Learning and Bring Your Own Device (BYOD): Enhancing Education in the Digital Age

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 28
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3124-8.ch012
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This chapter explores the significance of mobile learning (ML) and bring your own device (BYOD) to enhance education in the digital age (DA). It highlights the growing use of mobile devices in educational settings and their advantages and drawbacks. The literature review analyzes existing research, frameworks, and best practices for utilizing mobile devices and smartphones in educational settings. The study examines pedagogical approaches, mobile resources, and educational apps that utilize mobile technology for personalized and engaging learning. It also discusses BYOD policies, implementation difficulties, and successful case studies of BYOD adoption. The chapter offers best practices for maximizing the benefits of BYOD, including efficient teaching methods, classroom management strategies, and a safe learning environment. The chapter also speculates on future developments and effects of BYOD and mobile learning in the classroom, exploring new technologies and innovations that may influence education.
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The widespread availability and accessibility of mobile devices have completely changed how people access and interact with information in a technological environment that is rapidly evolving (Chou et al., 2017). Educational institutions are aware of how mobile technology can change the classroom environment and meet the needs of today's students. Mobile learning, also known as “m-learning,” is the process of learning and acquiring knowledge through portable electronic devices like laptops, tablets, and smartphones (Tsarapkina et al., 2019). Unlike conventional classroom settings, mobile learning allows students to access educational materials and information at any time and location, dissolving space and time constraints. This mobility gives students more freedom and convenience while accommodating different learning preferences and styles (Hino et al., 2019)

In parallel, the idea of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) has developed in response to the growing acceptance of mobile devices among students and educators. The term “BYOD” refers to allowing faculty, staff, and students to bring their electronic devices (like laptops, tablets, and smartphones) to school or college for academic purposes. Utilizing the devices that students are already accustomed to using can increase engagement and encourage active participation in the learning process. Incorporating mobile devices and BYOD policies in educational settings in the digital age (DA) is becoming increasingly important, where technology permeates every aspect of daily life (Sipior et al., 2017b; Abubakari et al., 2023). Students are used to communicating through digital platforms, interacting with multimedia content, and having instant access to information. Utilizing mobile technology in education is consistent with how students interact with their environment daily (Hino et al., 2019).

In this chapter, we introduce the ideas of mobile learning (ML) and BYOD and explore the potential advantages and difficulties of their implementation. We will look at how these technologies can improve instruction, encourage personalized learning, and meet the particular requirements of a diverse student body (Reid & Pechenkina, 2016). We will also review issues and things to consider when integrating mobile devices in educational settings, like ensuring everyone has access to technology, maintaining a safe learning environment, and safeguarding student information and privacy (Ryan et al., 2018). Understanding and utilizing the potential of BYOD and mobile learning is crucial for educators and institutions to successfully prepare students for success in the DA, given the rapid advancements in technology and the ongoing digital transformation in education (Keane & Keane, 2022). Through this investigation, we hope to add to the body of knowledge on BYOD and mobile learning while also giving educators advice on creating cutting-edge learning environments in the DA.

Educators and institutions must adapt their pedagogical approaches as technology advances rapidly to stay relevant and effective in the modern digital environment. If the potential of mobile devices is ignored, there may be missed opportunities to engage students and offer individualized learning experiences that consider each student's needs and learning preferences (Mahinderjit et al., 2017). Moreover, by granting equal access to educational resources, BYOD and mobile learning have the potential to close the digital divide. Although many students' homes may not have computers, they may have smartphones or tablets. By ensuring that all students have access to digital resources and opportunities for learning outside of the classroom, adopting BYOD policies can level the playing field.

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