A Mobile Portal Solution for Knowledge Management

A Mobile Portal Solution for Knowledge Management

Stefan Berger, Ulrich Remus
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59904-933-5.ch056
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This chapter discusses the use of mobile applications in knowledge management (mobile KM). Today more and more people leave (or have to leave) their fixed working environment in order to conduct their work at changing locations or while they are on the move. At the same time, mobile work is getting more and more knowledge intensive. However, the issue of mobile work and KM is an aspect that has largely been overlooked so far. Based on requirements for mobile applications in KM an example for the implementation of a mobile KM portal at a German university is described. The presented solution offers various services for university staff (information access, colleague finder, campus navigator, collaboration support). The chapter is concluded by outlining an important future issue in mobile KM: the consideration of location-based information in mobile KM portals.

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