Multi-Criteria Decision Making in Healthcare: A Bibliometric Review

Multi-Criteria Decision Making in Healthcare: A Bibliometric Review

Beena John Jiby, Sachin Sakhare, Mandeep Kaur, Gaurav Dhiman
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-3733-9.ch010
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The wellbeing of a country depends mainly on its healthcare and is also one of the most impacted frameworks from the viewpoint of decision-making with multi-objectives and inclined more to mistakes in the various activities, and multi-decision criteria analysis (MDCA) helps a lot as a tool for this interaction of various independent actions. Therefore, the present study helps to break down and incorporate articles found in the literature involving MCDA along with assessing their general issues and various strategic angles and organizing them. Investigation in the bibliographic data sets of PubMed showed 85 journal articles regarding the subject of multi-decision criteria analysis, and after a cautious verification, 85 journal articles examinations were chosen to be studied in detail.
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Healthcare decision making differ from others because of the allotment of limited resources as wellbeing is indispensable and irreplaceable (Postmus D et al; 2013; Drake JI et al;2017) This exception makes it hard for health services providers to settle on the best decisions as their choices have enormous impact (Blythe R et al; 2019) on patients' personal satisfaction with societal advantage. Healthcare decision makers when confronted with these complex choices may not often utilize a calculated method to arrive at decisions (Baltussen R et al; 2019; Drake JI; 2017) which may or may not be for the benefit of society and patient. This sort of dynamic interaction has raised worries about its completeness as it may neglect patient inclinations, neglected requirements, and social and moral ideals. In this intricate activity choice Specifically, multi- criteria decision analysis (MCDA), has become areas of examination in numerous studies as it is a supportive decision- making tool that evaluates various unrelated conflicting information and is considered as a valuable healthcare decision making decision support tool (Barkhuizen H et al; 2015). MCDA is progressively used to help to make choices in Health care by various uncertain criteria. In spite of the fact that uncertainty is normally tended to in financial assessments, regardless of the various sources of uncertainty which are managed well with MCDA is less studied.

The issue of numerous objectives is consistently present in the issues inside the intricacy of increasing uncertain choices as decisions are not only made by a single person. In the healthcare these techniques are even more complex, since they also include financial constraints, with human variable, causing clashes of interest and upsetting final conclusion (Blythe, R et al; 2019)); Marsh, K et al (2016). In this situation, it is important to find strategies that remember the higher number of rules that aide and impact choices, to lessen mistakes. However in the vast majority of the time this technique is difficult to perform, since the decision making criteria are clashing and increases the number of uncertain last response (Guindo, L.A et al; 2012). To expand the validity and reliability of the selected choice MCDA is used widely. These techniques help in the decision process and limit the obligation of the final decision-maker, to ensure a right solution as per the criteria (Dolan, J.G. (2010).

Many studies utilizing MCDA, are done from the point of enhancing general healthcare wellbeing. A few examinations have been regarding investigating a particular application area, like the assessment in healthcare innovation some Others have studied from an empathetic view, assessing toward patient inclination and there are many studies which who go further, to know and dissect the MCDA in different manner in healthcare. In all its application, MCDA includes many strategies by utilizing different decision criteria choice in its framework, which is included in rows and columns. The rows signify alternatives to be classified, while columns signify criteria or attributes, which are the results used to assess choices being thought about and these techniques can be broadly classified into three categories: goal programming and reference point models; value measurement models and outranking models the distinction between MCDA methods lies in how the information is drawn from the matrix.

As there are an incredible number of studies including MCDA in the healthcare, this review expects to examine and integrate the data found in the literature, by assessing general and strategic perspectives and organizing it.

Till date methods to select the most appropriate MCDA techniques to be applied in healthcare services doesn’t exist and the dissemination of MCDA in health care is less reported. Hence, this paper tries to understand MCDA in health care and identify publication trends in the implementation of MCDA in this area, as well as understand areas where effectively implemented by the applications of MCDA in healthcare.

For this, the model is partitioned into two phases of assessment. First the examination of the overall inquiries of the article, meaning to know and assess the situation of the MCDA concentrates in the medical services. The subsequent stage will be the primary investigation is the exploration.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Criteria: Criteria are speci?c and measurable outcomes. A standard by and large demonstrates the heading in which to improve.

MCDA: Multiple-criteria decision analysis is a dynamic examination that assesses numerous (conflicting) criteria in the decision process.

Goal: Goal connect with expected performance outcomes later on.

Objective: Objective is something to be pursued to its fullest level or it might demonstrate the direction of wanted change.

Elements of MCDA Problem: Decision maker(s), alternatives, and criteria.

MCDA Procedures: Value scaling (or standardization), criterion weighting, and combination (decision) rule.

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