Nanocoatings for Cosmetotextiles

Nanocoatings for Cosmetotextiles

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 33
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3136-1.ch006
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In recent years, nanotechnology has found significant applications in the textile industry, especially in the development of cosmetotextiles. This chapter explores the role of nanocoatings in enhancing the functional and sustainable attributes of these textiles. Integrating insights from materials science, sustainability, and cosmetic technology, the chapter offers a comprehensive overview of current nanocoating techniques, materials, and their environmental impacts. Furthermore, it critically evaluated challenges and opportunities in implementing sustainable nanocoatings within cosmetotextiles and proposed strategies for developing eco-friendly nanocoatings and performing lifecycle analyses. Consequently, nanocoatings are essential for improving efficient, sustainable cosmetotextiles and offer potential for future research and commercial use. Key directions for future work include the creation of biodegradable nanomaterials, conducting toxicological studies to ensure user safety, and adopting circular economy principles within the cosmetic textile industry.
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Nanotechnology has flourished over the past few decades, offering transformative solutions to long-standing challenges. Central to this progress is the development of nanocomposites and nanocoatings, which have found applications in various sectors, including electronics, construction, medicine, food, cosmetics, fragrances, and, more recently, textiles (Dickson et al., 2024; Ma et al., 2023; Sun et al., 2024; Vats et al., 2023). As the fashion and textile industry addresses the urgent demands of sustainability and multifunctionality, nanocoatings have risen as a key solution, notably in the domain of cosmetic textiles, or “cosmetotextiles” (Ben Abdelkader et al., 2023). Cosmetotextiles combine the fields of textiles and cosmetics, enhancing traditional fabrics through scientific and technological advancements (Attia et al., 2023; Julaeha et al., 2023). However, a substantial challenge remains in the integration of active cosmetic agents into textiles. The key question is how to do this efficiently without undermining their long-term efficacy or the textile’s intrinsic properties. Nanocoatings present a compelling answer. These coatings can create fabrics that gradually release cosmetic agents to the skin while maintaining their efficacy over prolonged periods (Janeni & Adassooriya, 2023). Nevertheless, with groundbreaking innovation comes great responsibility. As nanocoatings for cosmetotextiles become more commonplace, concern arises regarding their environmental footprint, biocompatibility, and potential long-term effects on human health. The production, use, and disposal of nanomaterials entail processes that could pose environmental threats. Issues range from the potential release of nanocarriers into water systems to the challenge related to their recycling or degradation. The uncharted territories of the environmental impact of nanocoatings necessitate urgent exploration (Goyal & Jerold, 2023). Moreover, direct human exposure to these nanocoatings through cosmetotextiles raises crucial inquiries about dermal absorption, potential allergenic reactions, and broader systemic impacts. Fundamentally, while nanocoatings in cosmetotextiles offer the possibility to redefine the human perception of clothing and personal care, they also highlight an immediate need to understand and navigate the trade-offs between innovation and sustainability. As global efforts to adopt sustainable practices increase, the imperative to ensure the eco-compatibility of nanocoatings becomes paramount (Janeni & Adassooriya, 2023).

The chapter seeks to explore the field of nanocoatings for cosmetotextiles, shedding light on both their transformative capacities and the challenges they present. The primary goal is to provide a roadmap for researchers, manufacturers, and stakeholders, guiding the evolution of cosmetotextiles toward a more sustainable direction. The specific aims of this chapter are as follows:

  • 1.

    To provide an in-depth understanding of the diverse types of nanocoatings used in cosmetotextiles. This includes highlighting their functional capabilities, such as ultraviolet (UV) protection, moisture-wicking, and temperature regulation, as well as their cosmeceutical benefits, such as the release of vitamins or fragrances.

  • 2.

    To explore the methods of applying nanocoatings to textiles, including dip-coating, layer-by-layer assembly, electrospraying, and other scalable techniques, while evaluating the pros and cons of each.

  • 3.

    To examine the environmental impact and sustainability considerations of nanocoatings in cosmetotextiles. Discussions will encompass the use of biodegradable materials, lifecycle analysis, and potential environmental threats.

  • 4.

    To assess the potential health and safety risks associated with the use of nanocoated cosmetotextiles.

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