Network Security Software

Network Security Software

Göran Pulkkis, Kaj J. Grahn, Peik Åström
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-93177-743-8.ch001
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This chapter is a topical overview of network security software and related skills needed by network users, IT professionals, and network security specialists. Covered topics are protection against viruses and other malicious programs, firewall software, cryptographic software standards like IPSec and TLS/SSL, cryptographic network applications like Virtual Private Networks, secure Web, secure email, Secure Electronic Transaction, Secure Shell, secure network management, secure DNS and smartcard applications, as well as security administration software like intrusion detectors, port scanners, password crackers and management of network security software management. Tools and API’s for security software development are presented. A four-level network security software skill taxonomy is proposed and implications of this taxonomy on network security education is outlined. University and polytechnic level network security education is surveyed and the need for inclusion of network security software development skills in such education is pointed out.

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