On the Dynamic Shifting of the MapReduce Timeout

On the Dynamic Shifting of the MapReduce Timeout

Bunjamin Memishi, Shadi Ibrahim, Maria S. Perez, Gabriel Antoniu
Copyright: © 2016 |Pages: 22
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-9767-6.ch001
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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MapReduce has become a relevant framework for Big Data processing in the cloud. At large-scale clouds, failures do occur and may incur unwanted performance degradation to Big Data applications. As the reliability of MapReduce depends on how well they detect and handle failures, this book chapter investigates the problem of failure detection in the MapReduce framework. The case studies of this contribution reveal that the current static timeout value is not adequate and demonstrate significant variations in the application's response time with different timeout values. While arguing that comparatively little attention has been devoted to the failure detection in the framework, the chapter presents design ideas for a new adaptive timeout.
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The ever growing size of data (i.e., Big Data) has motivated the development of data intensive processing frameworks and tools. In this context, MapReduce (Dean & Ghemawat, 2004; Jin et al., 2011) has become a relevant framework for Big Data processing in the clouds, thanks to its remarkable features including simplicity, fault tolerance, and scalability. The popular open source implementation of MapReduce, Hadoop (Apache Hadoop Project, 2015), was developed primarily by Yahoo!, where it processes hundreds of Terabytes of data on at least 10,000 cores, and is now used by other companies, including Facebook, Amazon, Last.fm, and the New York Times (Powered By Hadoop, 2015).

Undoubtedly, failure is a part of everyday life, especially in current data-centers which comprise thousands of commodity hardware and software (Chandra, Prinja, Jain, & Zhang, 2008; Oppenheimer, Ganapathi, & Patterson, 2003; Pinheiro, Weber, & Barroso, 2007). Consequently, MapReduce was designed with hardware failure in mind. In particular, Hadoop tolerates machine failures (crash failures) by re-executing all the tasks of the failed machine by the virtue of data replication. Furthermore, in order to mask temporary failures caused by network or machine overload (timing failure) where some tasks are performing relatively slower than other tasks, Hadoop re-launches other copies of these tasks on other machines.

Foreseeing MapReduce usage in the next generation Internet (Mone, 2013), a particular concern is the aim of improving the MapReduce’s reliability by providing better fault tolerance mechanisms. While the handling and recovery in MapReduce fault-tolerance via data replication and task re-execution seem to work well even at large scale (Ko, Hoque, Cho, & Gupta, 2010; Ananthanarayanan et al., 2011; Zaharia, Konwinski, Joseph, Katz, & Stoica, 2008), there is relatively little work on detecting failures in MapReduce. Accurate detection of failures is as important as failures recovery, in order to improve applications’ latencies and minimize resource waste.

At the core of failure detection mechanism is the concept of heartbeat. Any kind of failure that is detected in MapReduce has to fulfill some preconditions, in this case to miss a certain number of heartbeats, so that other entities in the system detect the failure. Currently, a static timeout based mechanism is applied for detecting fail-stop failure by checking the expiry time of the last received heartbeat from a certain machine. In Hadoop, each TaskTracker sends a heartbeat every 3s, the JobTracker checks every 200s the expiry time of the last reported heartbeat. If no heartbeat is received from a machine for 600s, then this machine will be labeled as a failed machine and therefore the JobTracker will trigger the failure handling and recovery process. However, some studies have reported that the current static timeout detector is not effective and may cause long and unpredictable latency (Dinu & Ng, 2011, 2012).

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