Online, Offline and In-Between: Analyzing Meditated-Action Among American and Russian Students in a Global Online Class

Online, Offline and In-Between: Analyzing Meditated-Action Among American and Russian Students in a Global Online Class

Aditya Johri
Copyright: © 2005 |Pages: 30
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59140-408-8.ch014
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
10% Discount:-$3.75


Online collaborative learning is a situated activity that occurs in complex settings. This study proposes a sociocultural frame for theorizing, analyzing, and designing online collaborative- learning environments. The specific focus of this study is: learning as situated activity, activity theory as a theoretical lens, activity system as an analytical framework, and activity-guided design as a design framework for online learning environments. Using data gathered from a naturalistic investigation of a global online collaborative-learning site, this study reveals how these lenses and frameworks can be applied practically. The study also identifies the importance of design iterations for learning environments.

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