Operational Efficiency and Competitiveness in the Global Logistics Industry: An Examination of Human Resources Management Strategies

Operational Efficiency and Competitiveness in the Global Logistics Industry: An Examination of Human Resources Management Strategies

Gonca Reyhan Akkartal, Filiz Mızrak
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 32
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3575-8.ch004
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The logistics industry, with its inherent complexities and dynamic challenges, relies heavily on strategic human resources management (HRM) practices to optimize workforce potential and navigate the multifaceted demands of the global market. Utilizing the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (Fuzzy AHP) as a decision-making tool, the research aims to unravel the intricate relationship between these strategies and the dynamic logistics sector. Employing a hybrid methodology that integrates an extensive literature review, insights from expert interviews with HR specialists in the Turkish logistics sector, the study examines how logistics companies optimize efficiency and competitiveness while navigating uncertainties. The findings highlight the foundational importance of talent acquisition, emphasizing innovative recruitment, targeted training, and empowerment. performance management takes center stage, emphasizing the critical role of aligning key performance indicators, maintaining a continuous feedback loop, and implementing recognition and rewards programs.
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The logistics industry stands as an indispensable cornerstone of the global trade landscape, facilitating the movement of goods across borders and playing a pivotal role in ensuring the efficient flow of commerce on an international scale. With the expansion of markets and the increasing interconnectedness of economies, logistics has become the backbone that supports the global supply chain network (Mizrak, 2023). As goods traverse vast distances to reach consumers and businesses, the complexities inherent in managing these intricate supply chains have grown exponentially. The logistics sector faces a unique blend of challenges and opportunities arising from these complexities, coupled with the ever-shifting dynamics of international trade (Toan, 2023).

In this context, the concept of productivity emerges as a fundamental factor that drives the success of logistics operations. Productivity, encompassing efficient resource utilization, streamlined processes, and optimized workflow, has become the linchpin for achieving operational excellence within the logistics industry (Straus et al., 2022). Amidst the intricacies of supply chain management, meeting customer demands in a timely manner, and adapting to the fast-paced nature of global trade, the role of productivity cannot be overstated. It not only determines the efficiency of logistics operations but also influences customer satisfaction, cost-effectiveness, and ultimately, a company's ability to thrive in a competitive marketplace (Alzoubi et al., 2022).

This study delves into the symbiotic relationship between productivity enhancement, strategic human resources management, and the multifaceted realm of the logistics industry. By addressing the challenges posed by complex supply chains and international dynamics, while also emphasizing the pivotal role of productivity, this research aims to shed light on how leading logistics enterprises strategically manage their operations. Through an exploration of key literature, this study seeks to uncover the strategies employed by these enterprises to amplify their productivity, solidify their market position, and navigate the global competition landscape effectively.

Recognizing the intricacies of HRM practices within the logistics sector, this research particularly highlights expert interviews with HR professionals from the Turkish logistics industry. These interviews aim to offer valuable insights based on practical experiences, fostering a detailed understanding of the local nuances and challenges encountered by the Turkish logistics industry. By providing insights, this study aims to optimize research and offers a comprehensive survey of HRM strategies in a global logistics context. This contribution brings practical and industry-specific perspectives to enrich the broader academic discourse.

This paper presents a comprehensive framework that explores the complex relationships between performance, strategic HR practices, and global performance. It includes a literature review that examines operational efficiency and competitiveness in the logistic sector. The hybrid approach focuses on the role of HR management with fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (Fuzzy AHP). Analysis prioritizes strategies, using fuzzy AHP to provide steps step insights and results. The findings highlight the relationship between performance, HR strategies, and expert opinion. The analysis comes from a simple AHP integration, providing new insights and potential impacts on business and HR. The paper concludes by summarizing the main findings, discussing their implications, and raising future research directions.

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