Participatory Literacy and Taking Informed Action in the Social Studies

Participatory Literacy and Taking Informed Action in the Social Studies

Casey Holmes, Meghan McGlinn Manfra
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-3706-3.ch061
(Individual Chapters)
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The purpose of the social studies is to prepare students for life as citizens in a democratic society, and this requires attention to the variety of digital spaces inhabited by our K-12 students in today's increasingly digitized world. Incorporating participatory technologies into structured inquiries in the social studies may help develop students' skills and abilities in critically sourcing, evaluating, sharing, and creating media, and provides the opportunity for increasingly democratic participation and civic engagement both in and out of the school setting. In this chapter, the authors suggest the integration of participatory literacy with the College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) framework as a means of supporting students in taking informed action.
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Social Studies Education And Civic Efficacy

In order to truly prepare students for democratic citizenship, a key, though often overlooked, component of social studies education is supporting students as they take civic action or engage in participatory civic experiences (Levinson & Levine, 2013; Parker, 2003). Research on civic education suggests that the most effective approach to supporting students in developing their civic capacities and competencies is by providing active learning experiences focused on relevant issues, both inside and outside of the classroom (Croddy & Levine, 2014). For example, James Youniss (2012) argues that “democratic citizenship is best acquired by taking, rather than reading about, action” (p. 116). Taking action often emerges from posing and solving authentic problems that are posed through inquiry-based education, and the C3 Framework provides one pathway towards inquiry-driven studies.

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