Positive Impact of Leaders' Dark Triad Personality Traits in Uncertain Times

Positive Impact of Leaders' Dark Triad Personality Traits in Uncertain Times

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8257-5.ch012
(Individual Chapters)
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The effectiveness of a leader is determined by their leadership skills. Although each leader has their own distinct style, there are a few commonly known forms of leadership, including transformational, transactional, democratic, servant, and charismatic authority leadership. Contrarily, the dark triad, which includes the personality traits of narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism, is a dark personality trait. Even though these characteristics of dark triad can cause personality disorders, they somehow improve a leader's ability in a crisis. Secondary data have been gathered through a variety of techniques to support the former mentioned statement. According to the findings, dark traits are positively correlated with effective leadership outcomes and crisis management and decision making, in whole or in part.
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When working in a group, a clash of interests and conflicts are bound to happen. To resolve the conflict and find the middle ground, a decision-making figure is required. That figure is usually the “leader” of the group. The leader is not only the peacekeeper or decision-maker of the group, but he is also the motivator and the supportive person who helps the group member achieve their target.

According to the author, Leadership is a leader's ability to help his/her team or group move towards and achieve the goal smoothly. Leadership is said to be an innate ability but it can also be learned and practised. Leadership is a continuous process as a leader must look after the needs and goals of his team members all the time and he must also help them make progress.

To be a good leader, the individual must possess some leadership qualities.

Quality of a Good Leader

A leader must be able to understand the goals and problems of the team he is leading. The following qualities are required to be able to lead a group.

  • 1.

    A leader should be an active listener. He should make his team members feel heard and included.

  • 2.

    He should have good motivational skills. He should understand his team members’ goals and motivate them to achieve them.

  • 3.

    A leader should have a high level of self-confidence, if he lacks self-confidence then he won’t be able to provide confidence to his followers.

  • 4.

    A leader must possess good social skills. He should be friendly and approachable so that, his team members can comfortably share their concerns or goals with him.

  • 5.

    A leader must have good communication skills. He should be a good speaker to help people understand their roles.

  • 6.

    The leader must acquire competence and knowledge to influence and instruct his team.

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