Professional Development of Mathematics and Science Teachers in Kenya: Program Implementation and Sustainability

Professional Development of Mathematics and Science Teachers in Kenya: Program Implementation and Sustainability

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7722-9.ch009
(Individual Chapters)
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The Centre for Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education in Africa (CEMASTEA) provides continuous teacher professional development (TPD) to mathematics and science teachers to upgrade their pedagogical skills. This happens through the Strengthening Mathematics and Science Education (SMASE) program. The program, which started with in-service education and training (INSET) as the only TPD activity at its inception in 1998, expanded over the years to include other TPD activities. This chapter provides a description of SMASE program including the implementation of its TPD activities for teachers in Kenya and factors that have contributed to the sustainability of the program. It is clear that building a system for TPD requires not only resources but also a commitment from all stakeholders. To mitigate situations such as those caused by COVID-19 that limit face-to-face training, there is need for a blended teaching and learning (BTL) model that allows both face-to-face and online training.
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Background To Tpd Of Mathematics And Science Teachers In Kenya

CEMASTEA’s mandate is to build the capacity of mathematics and science teachers for effective teaching and learning in Kenya as well as educators in Sub-Saharan Africa. The institution has been involved in TPD activities for more than 20 years. Its activities started in 1998 at an INSET Unit in the Kenya Science Teachers College, currently Kenya Science Campus of University of Nairobi. The INSET being the main TPD activity at the time involved only secondary school teachers in a few counties (districts then) under Strengthening of Mathematics and Science in Secondary Education (SMASSE) project. The project was co-sponsored by the Government of Japan through Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the Government of Kenya through the MOE. Through the project, concerns such as negative attitude towards mathematics and science; teacher-centred teaching methodologies; and low enrolment in science subjects especially physics that were identified through a Baseline survey of 1998 were sought to be addressed.

Following the successful implementation of the SMASSE project, it was up-scaled to a program status to cover all the 47 counties in the country for secondary school teachers in 2004. In addition, the primary component of the project involving primary school teachers started in 2006. This led to the name change from SMASSE to Strengthening of Mathematics and Science Education (SMASE) and the INSET Unit re-located to CEMASTEA in Karen, Nairobi.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Capitation Fund: Funding provided by the Ministry of Education Kenya to CEMASTEA that supports the planning and implementation of TPD activities under the SMASE program.

STEM Model Schools: Selected schools in each of the 47 counties in Kenya equipped with tools to support and create an environment and culture that would, spark students’ interest in STEM and STEM related subjects.

CTCDC: This acronym stands for County Teacher Capacity Development Committees. The committees manage TPD activities at the County level and their membership includes officials from the Ministry of education, Teachers’ Service Commission, as well as the INSET centre principals and Trainers’ Representatives.

ASEI-PDSI: This acronym stands for Activity, Student, Experiment Improvisation – Plan, Do, See, Improve. It is a model that guides teacher professional development activities under the SMASE Program which allows teachers to think and reflect on ways of ensuring that learners are at the centre of the teaching and learning process.

Training Cycle: A ten-day training and engagement in TPD activities by teachers. Training was conducted in cycles from inception of SMASE program to 2013.

Teaching Experience: The number of years of teaching from the date of employment by the Teachers’ Service Commission.

INSET Centre: A designated school or college in a given county that hosts the training of teachers organised under the SMASE program in the county.

Cohort: A group of teachers who undertake a given TPD activity (e.g., INSET, ICT training) for a given period such as 5 days in a given year.

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