Proposals for Social Pedagogy and the Best Political Practices From the Crown of Aragon: Eiximenis and His Regiment de la Cosa Pública

Proposals for Social Pedagogy and the Best Political Practices From the Crown of Aragon: Eiximenis and His Regiment de la Cosa Pública

Rosabel Roig-Vila, Gladys Merma-Molina, Diego Gavilán-Martín
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-6614-5.ch004
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The authors analyze the figure of the Franciscan Francesc Eiximenis, and especially his Regiment de la cosa pública, from a reflection on medieval pedagogy and politics. Likewise, they establish meeting points between the thought, the words and the pedagogy of Eiximenis and those of other authors. So, the chapter draws a chronological-analytical line between him and other relevant figures of the 13th through the 16th centuries, such as Saint Thomas Aquinas, Beatus Ramon Llull, Niccolò Machiavelli, (Saint) Thomas More, Saint Vincent Ferrer, and Joan Lluis Vives.
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A Society Based On Justice And Social Good: Thomas Aquinas And Ramon Llull

Thomas Aquinas, a theologian and Catholic philosopher who belonged to the Order of Preachers and is a representative of scholastic teaching, is one of the most notable figures of systematic theology.

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