Public Relations and AI

Public Relations and AI

Hakan Irak
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 12
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0855-4.ch011
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With the increase in technological developments, many innovations have occurred in human life. These innovations have started to facilitate human life by realizing different digital applications of the technology axis that is developing day by day. Artificial intelligence, one of these developments, is undoubtedly one of the most important and useful developments today. With many artificial intelligence-based applications, many conveniences can be obtained in daily life, and it has also been used in public relations applications. In this context, the study examined public relations and artificial intelligence applications, and comments were made about today's applications and their future.
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1. Introduction

Modern public relations has a history of more than one hundred years. Although models, methods, and techniques have evolved due to the possibilities of mass media, it would not be wrong to argue that artificial intelligence technology has brought about a significant change in public relations. This view also stems from the recent increasing trend of academic studies focusing on using artificial intelligence in public relations.

Rapid technological developments and developments in artificial intelligence have also led to changes in the field of public relations. Traditional public relations strategies may no longer meet the business world's demands. The development and use of artificial intelligence present new opportunities and challenges for public relations. This article explores the role and impact of artificial intelligence, focusing on its use in public relations today and how it will affect public relations in the future.

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