Reputation Management in the Age of Big Data

Reputation Management in the Age of Big Data

Nubar Ibrahimzade
Copyright: © 2018 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-3619-2.ch014
(Individual Chapters)
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The objective of this chapter is to reveal the role of big data in establishing effective corporate communication. This will be further investigated by shedding light into how brands as well as corporations make use of big data to heighten their brand value and improve their reputation. Big data is used in various sectors ranging from banking, public sector, health, telecommunication, and marketing in order to increase productivity, minimize costs, and set future goals. Big data, actively used and experienced in the world and upon which many sample case studies have been conducted, is such a giant step in organizations that enables them to safeguard their future, increase profits, assess risks, and take calculated steps.
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Indispensable to the modern age, the Internet has captured any field that humanity uses and virtually given him access to anything. In this age of the Internet craze, each click, search result, social media, blog share etc. that each user leaves traces of creates a big data ocean. This data ocean is referred to as Big Data Ocean and has become a trend and point of interest lately. Regarded as unstructured data and constituting the big data ocean, this corpus of data is made usable by being structured via different algorithms by certain experts and technicians, and aims to determine and manage future endeavors and management policies of institutions and companies. This unstructured data is analyzed and serves the purpose of contributing to many businesses from the public sector to the private one.

Secret to nobody and aimed to improve and contribute to various fields fort the sake of increasing productivity, all big data analyses and studies are of great importance for the life and dynamic growth of institutions and companies. The point in question is that Big Data, which seems to be a concept of future development progress, is already here, among us, and being actively utilized. It is no coincidence that each speech tool or application that we download from discount tools or online stores to our mobiles and has become indispensable to our daily lives offers its users an agreement before use. Upon the approval and acceptance of users electronically, these agreements provide the personal data to an “x” firm or institution for its discretion of use or storage either in a limited or unlimited way. We encounter these agreements through not only applications but also online user contracts. So, there is a data share in question in the world, shortlisting the benefits of these data having been analyzed and structured among the hot topics of today. The most modern, progressive science of the digital age, communication is expected to keep abreast of this novelty. Means of communication such as corporate messages, advertising, and marketing are also living up to the requirements of the digital age. Brands and companies are expected to manage their corporate communications more effectively by benefiting from Big Data. While the first part of this paper will discuss what Big Data means to effective corporate communication, its emergence, components, application method and what it signifies for institutions and companies and seek answers to the questions such as to improve what areas companies are using these data or how to utilize them to the benefit of their brand value, the second part will review digital development, the concept of corporate reputation - the unshakeable point of interest for companies, its management in the digital media and the role Big Data plays in reputation management and opportunities it offers. It will also attempt to answer how Big Data, having earned a place in many areas from the private to the public sectors, health to education, economics to marketing, can contribute to communication and corporate reputation.

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