Responsible AI: Safeguarding Data Privacy in the Digital Era

Responsible AI: Safeguarding Data Privacy in the Digital Era

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-4350-0.ch013
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The exponential progress of artificial intelligence (AI) and its extensive incorporation into several facets of contemporary society has generated significant apprehensions pertaining to the protection of data privacy. This chapter examines the various obstacles and potential advantages related to responsible artificial intelligence (AI) in the contemporary digital age, with a specific emphasis on the protection of data privacy. In the current era, characterised by the significance of data for artificial intelligence (AI) systems, there exists a crucial necessity for a complete framework that prioritises the protection of individual privacy rights and the implementation of ethical practices in data handling.
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Technology is advancing so quickly in the digital age that it is changing how we work, live, and engage with the world. There are new challenges with privacy protection because of technological developments despite the numerous benefits (Gupta et al., 2022). The increasing vulnerability of people’s personal information to unauthorized use intrusion and monitoring has elevated the importance of safeguarding privacy at both the national and global levels. The social and human frameworks that support our technological capacities are progressively getting strained and controversial. Considering this paradox, one wonders to what extent technology enhances our speed, performance, strength, and heightened happiness. On the other side, technology exacerbates our already existing physical and mental health problems and increases fatigue (Mikalef et al., 2022). As AI advanced steadily, it has led to more and more concerns over the privacy of personal data. To improve their algorithms and overall effectiveness, AI systems often depend on vast quantities of data. Subjective information like social security numbers & medical records can be among the data elements along with other sensitive information like names, addresses and financial facts. The collection and processing of this kind of information may lead to concerns about how it is used and who has access to it. The principal privacy dangers that are associated with artificial intelligence are the likelihood of data breaches and unauthorized acquisition of personal information. Due to the comprehensive gathering and analysis of data, there exists a potential hazard of unauthorized access which may manifest as hacking or other breaches of security. An upsurge in data intrusions is observed as Artificial Intelligence progresses, exposing progressively more personally identified information (Akter et al., 2021).

The proliferation of issues about the privacy of personal data has been engendered by the steady progression of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The accumulation, processing, as well as storage of such data, raises concerns because AI systems frequently rely on vast quantities of personally identifiable information to learn and make predictions. To train their algorithms and enhance performance, AI systems frequently rely on massive amounts of data. The data may encompass personal details such as names, residences, and financial data, as well as sensitive information like medical records & social security numbers. The acquisition and manipulation of such data can give rise to apprehensions regarding its utilization and the individuals with authorized entry to it. The primary privacy risks associated with AI are around the possibility of data breaches and unlawful acquisition of personal information. Given the extensive collection and processing of data, there exists a potential hazard of unauthorized access, whether through hacking or other security infringements. As Artificial Intelligence advances, it increasingly exposes personal information, leading to a rise in data breaches (Akter et al., 2021).

Artificial intelligence with generative capabilities has the potential to fabricate profiles or alter images. Its dependence on data is comparable to that of other AI systems. The safety of 80% of businesses around the world are vulnerable to attack by cybercrimes. Significant repercussions may result from the acquisition of personal information without authorization. It is imperative to adopt proactive measures via data platforms to safeguard the confidentiality of client’s information by utilizing authentication mechanisms through data platforms. Adherence to the regulations as specified in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is of utmost importance when it comes to the acquisition, utilization, and management of personal data by artificial intelligence. AI can analyze vast quantities of data enabling it to observe humans in unprecedented ways. This encompasses tracking their whereabouts, social media activities and even the examination of their facial expressions and other biometric data. AI technologies need to be developed and utilized responsibly to address these concerns (Barredo Arrieta et al., 2020; Fjeld et al., 2020). To accomplish this, it is necessary to ensure that individuals have control over their data, processing being transparent and secured. Moreover, it involves ensuring that AI systems are conceptually designed and assessed to identify and mitigate the biases which are subjected to continuous monitoring and supervision. The appropriate development and application of AI technology is imperative to fully recognize the benefits of AI while reducing any potential risks to an individual’s privacy.

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