Safe Green Hydrogen: Production and Storage as an Emerging Source of Energy for Sustainable Future

Safe Green Hydrogen: Production and Storage as an Emerging Source of Energy for Sustainable Future

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 11
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1014-4.ch008
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Energy has been a vital resource in our daily lives and, simultaneously, one of the worldwide main problems. However, energy is an essential resource in almost everything in our daily lives, ranging from transportation, cooking, warming residential places, electronics, factories, schools, banks, etc. The most popular forms of energy used are from biofuels, which pollute the environment and cause some hazards to humans and plants, in the states of coal, oil and gas, nuclear, and so on. Due to these concerns, a new form of energy is needed that is environmentally friendly, cost-effective, and more sustainable. With the various types of research carried out across the globe, different forms of energy were identified and tested: solar, wind, reusable batteries, etc. Various research institutions, organizations, multinational organizations, and companies are embarking on research to find meaningful solutions to the problems. None has been shown to hold much promise like the green hydrogen (GH). Against this backdrop, this research will be conducted to show how much potential it holds.
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The primary purpose of this study is to present the prospects and potentials of Green Hydrogen as a critical substitute to bio-fuels (fossil fuels), to show the progress made on/in the storage and transportation of the Green Hydrogen; and the trend on future of the Green Hydrogen.Energy has been a vital commodity for producing goods and services in transportation and family uses – making it an essential ingredient for human living across the globe. However, its supply, transportation, processing, storage, and consumption create many environmental and human problems due to its associated crises (Huseynli, 2022). Notably, the production, processing, and utilization of various forms of energy, coal, fossil fuels, nuclear, etc., cause much environmental harm – leading to global warming (Ásványi et al., 2017). There is a growing concern worldwide over using bio-fuels that affect the environment through Green Gas Emissions (GGE) .Energy has been among the main problems worldwide due to its complexities, like pollution, high revenues, politics, and so on (Ball &Wietschel, 2009). The IEA (International Energy Agency) has stressed the need for natural gas as an energy source in the global markets. However, it emphasized the need to address the emission concern from gas supplies (Okonkwo, 2023). Faith Birol, the IEA Executive Director, states that natural gas is still needed in the global transition to clean energy sources, further states (Huppmann& Egging, 2014). Hydrogen has been a researched source to provide a novel way of utilizing it to provide energy sustainably.

Green Hydrogen is identified as a crucial ingredient in meeting the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Goals by the United Nations in the Paris Agreement (New-Hydrogen, 2023). Many types of research covered Green Hydrogen worldwide; however, specific gaps were needed (Alzoubi, 2021). For instance, Hassan (2022) has covered safe and green energy from family, tourism, and hospitality dimensions, with some breakthroughs made in the middle of 2022 and prior, and therefore should have covered the recent development created in 2023. Due to this gap, there is a need for urgent and up-to-date research to bridge the hole for the current period. Meanwhile, (Hosseini& Wahid, 2016) looked at it from only hospitality and tourism perspectives, highlighted little on Green Hydrogen, and covered only 2022, hence the need for this chapter.

Hydrogen, especially the Green one, has shown a promising prospect – being a clean energy of the future. Hydrogen, as an energy carrier, holds a prominent advantage of a high Gravimetric Energy Density, with a net-zero emission and high abundance (Dougherty et al., 2009). Among the myriad uses of Hydrogen is that it plays vital roles in formulating fertilizers, producing steel, and refining oil in refineries. However, the majority of the Hydrogen produced in the world is from natural sources, like coal or gas (Grey Hydrogen), which leads to the emission of up to 900 million metric tons of CO2 into the atmosphere, as reported by the International Energy Agency (IAE) (Nowak, 1994). With the ongoing research, it is evident that Hydrogen, especially Green Hydrogen, has been identified as the prominent potential toward a smooth transition to clean, safe, and sustainable energy (Eyring et al., 2007). Various methods and techniques innovated by scientists will be highlighted, as well as their potential to be environmentally friendly.

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