Security in Mobile Cloud Computing

Security in Mobile Cloud Computing

Hero Modares, Jaime Lloret, Amirhossein Moravejosharieh, Rosli Salleh
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-4781-7.ch005
(Individual Chapters)
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Cloud computing is a new and promising technology that is transforming the paradigm of traditional Internet computing and probably the whole IT industry. Cloud computing is predicted to expand in the mobile environment leveraging on the rapid advances in wireless access technologies. These mobile applications are built around mobile cloud computing techniques and models. In the Mobile Cloud environment, users can remotely store their data as well as enjoy high quality on-demand cloud applications without the limitations of having to purchase and maintain their own local hardware and software. However, data security is still a major concern and is the main obstacle preventing cloud computing from being more widely adopted. This concern originates from the fact that sensitive data stored in the public clouds is managed by commercial service providers who might not be totally trustworthy. As such, there are several security and privacy issues that need to be addressed. This chapter gives an overview on the cloud computing concept followed by a description on mobile cloud computing and the different security issues pertinent to the mobile cloud computing environment.
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2. Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing has greatly facilitated the sharing of resources and common infrastructure. This had made it possible to provide on-demand services over the network to fulfil a wide range of today’s business needs. In this type of dynamic business environment, the last user has no knowledge about the location of accessible physical resources and tools. Evolving, utilizing, and managing their applications ‘on the cloud’ involve virtualization of resources that keeps and directs itself are conducted by available facilities to users. The description of Cloud Computing by scientists at the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) was influenced by an earlier guideline of the Cloud Security Alliance. Researchers have collaborated with the NIST to come out with the Working Definition of cloud computing, and generally, it has been well accepted. Thus, there was coherence and unanimity around a common language, and we can pinpoint on applicable cases rather than semantic nuance. As a result, organizations world-wide used and applied this guide. The NIST, however, is a US government organization, and the wide acceptance of this definition should not suggest that differing view’s or views of other countries are ignored. The NIST definition of Cloud Computing comprised five essential qualities, three cloud service models, and four cloud deployment models. Table 1 shows a schematic representation of the definition, and further explained in the following subsections (Brunette & Mogull, 2009; Mell & Grance, 2011; Mirzaei, 2008; Subashini & Kavitha, 2011).

Table 1.
NIST visual model of cloud computing definition
Broad Network AccessRapid ElasticityMeasured ServiceOn-Demand Self-Service
Resource Pooling
Software as a Service (SaaS)Platform as a service
Infrastructure as a Service

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