Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) have gained popularity in the past decade with the creation of a variety of ad hoc protocols that specifically offer quality of service (QoS) for various multimedia traffic between mobile stations (MSs) and base stations (BSs). The lack of proper end-to-end security coverage, on the other hand, is a challenging issue as the nature of such networks with no specific infrastructure is prone to relatively more attacks, in a variety of forms. The focus of this chapter is to discuss a number of attack scenarios and their remedies in MANETs including the introduction of two entities; ad hoc key distribution center (AKDC) and decentralize key generation and distribution (DKGD), which serve as key management schemes.
Key Terms in this Chapter
Authentication: Authentication is required to make sure communicating parties are the ones who they claim to be.
SOCA: Self-organized CA is a threshold-based cryptosystem in which the power is shared among different CAs.
SADSR: Security-aware adaptive dynamic source routing protocol.
DKGD: Decentralize key generation and distribution is another key distribution scheme for ad hoc networks in which the key distribution mechanism is done by distributed elements, not by a centralized entity.
CA: Certificate authority is responsible for issuing digital certificates.
SEKM: Secure and efficient key management is another key management scheme in which involves public key infrastructure.
Nonrepudiation: This is a concept of ensuring that none of the communicating parties can deny the fact that they had sent or received certain data.
Access Control: This is a security mechanism to make sure that only legitimate parties have access to the data they are supposed to have access.
Integrity: This is another basic security requirement. Integrity guarantees the correctness of the data transferring between two communicating parties, or their location information.
Availability: A stochastic measure of predicting the availability of the communication channel and resources to the users
ARIADNE: A secure on-demand routing protocol for ad hoc networks.
AKDC: Ad hoc key distribution center is a central component in an ad hoc network responsible for providing keys to ad hoc elements.
Confidentiality: This is a basic security requirement in which the address, location, and/or the data transferring between two communicating parties are to be kept as secrets.
SEAD: Secure efficient distance vector routing for mobile wireless ad hoc networks.
SDSR: Secure dynamic source routing.