Semantic Web-Based Agricultural Information Integration

Semantic Web-Based Agricultural Information Integration

Kaladevi Ramar, Geetha Gurunathan
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-5978-8.ch004
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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A huge volume of information is available in the worldwide web. However, the demand is on relevant information rather than available information, which are often heterogeneous and distributed. Agriculture is one such domain, which includes information like soil, crops, weather, etc. under one roof. This information is in different representations and structures (e.g., weather). This scenario leads to a challenge of how to integrate the available and heterogeneous agricultural information to deliver better production. As the information on the web is syntactically structured, the need is to provide semantic linkage. The semantic web supports the existing web to easily process and interpret information. In this chapter, a semantic-based agricultural information system (AIS) is proposed that addresses heterogeneity issues among weather systems and integrates information like soil, weather, crop, and fertilizers. AIS helps the farmers regarding the type of crop/soil, crop/climate, fertilizer applications, diseases, and prevention methods using effective retrieval of information from integrated systems.
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Agriculture is an essential domain, which is entrenched in our lives and economy. To fulfill the food demands of the increasing population and to improve the economy of the nation, existing agriculture systems need to cope up with emerging technological inventions. Various information systems based on semantic web techniques to improve the agriculture production are discussed below.

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