Shelter Selection with AHP Making Use of the Ideal Alternative

Shelter Selection with AHP Making Use of the Ideal Alternative

José G. Hernández R., María J. García G., Gilberto J. Hernández G.
Copyright: © 2015 |Pages: 13
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-5888-2.ch193
(Individual Chapters)
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One technique with higher occurrence in the literature is the Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP). However it is a technique widely criticized. Two of these critiques are: 1.The dependence of the value achieved by an evaluated alternative, the number of alternatives being evaluated and 2.The impossibility to recognize the quality of an alternative selected by the method.

To solve this second problem, a variant of the AHP was generated: The Ideal Alternative (IA), which consists of resolving problems making use of AHP but including in the analysis an IA. To illustrate what it is and how to use the IA will take a social problem, the selection of shelters, where you can locate the affected population in case of catastrophe.

From the above, the main contribution of this article is show how to choose a shelter, using the IA to gain insight into the true quality of alternatives evaluated through AHP.

As methodology to reach the proposed objective it will be used the Integrated-Adaptable Methodology for the development of Decision Support System (IAMDSS, in Spanish, Metodología Integradora-Adaptable para desarrollar Sistemas de Apoyo a las Decisiones [MIASAD]), which has been presented in different works of investigation (García, Hernández, & Hernández, 2010, 2011; Hernández, García, & Hernández, 2010) and of which, given that the methodology promotes it, they are taken some of their essential steps:

  • 1.

    To define the problem that, than indicated in the contributions of this article, is to show how to choose a shelter, using the IA to gain insight into the true quality of alternatives evaluated through AHP,

  • 2.

    To prepare the first prototype, where the users of the final product were identified, that is to say the readers of the article. Who will be applicators or not of AHP, that desires to do a better use of this technique, to which we add all those interested in helping to solve social problems. It also established the structure of the article, which besides the introduction consists of three main chapters, the last and main one divided into three subchapters,

  • 3.

    Obtaining data, in this case on AHP, DEA, TOPSIS, the use of the IA and applications of these techniques in a catastrophe situation,

  • 4.

    Establishing the alternatives, that would be the different options that can follow to illustrate the use of the IA,

  • 5.

    Evaluate alternatives, considering the facility of presenting and to show the use of the IA in AHP,

  • 6.

    Selecting the best alternative, as product of previous evaluation process, and based on the secondary objectives, tacit or explicit, being considered,

  • 7.

    Implementing the best alternative, illustrate through simple examples, preferably hypothetical, for more generality, the use of the IA in AHP and

  • 8.

    Establishing controls, Establishing the mechanisms, probably indicators, that permit to recognize if the alternative selected, continues being valid in the course of the time.

With regard to limitations and reaches, in this article no work of field will be carried out, but the illustration of the use of the IA in AHP, from a pair of previous work (García, Hernández & Hernández, 2010; Hernández, García & Hernández, 2010).

Key Terms in this Chapter

TOPSIS: Multicriteria technique based on obtaining the alternative that approaches the most ideal alternative, for it considers the positive ideal alternative and the negative ideal alternative.

AHP: It is a technique, which is based on pairwise comparisons and helps prioritize criteria and alternatives.

Criteria: Aspect of high relevance in a selection, which should be considered when you choose an alternative to solve a multicriteria problem.

IA: Alternative that completely satisfies all the criteria required to resolve a problem situation.

Shelters: Place that provides temporary refuge who has been affected by a disaster.

DEA: Multicriteria technical non-parametric, that makes use of the linear programming and that in its origins was used to choose the more efficient processes, when it had multiple inputs and multiple outputs.

Catastrophe: The result of an important ecological rupture of the relation between human beings and their environment, sudden severe event (like an earthquake) or slow (like a drought) of such magnitude that the struck community will need extraordinary efforts to face it, often with external aid or international support.

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