Stigma, Double-Stigma, and Associated Hurdles: Discussion and Understanding for Muslim Female Tourists

Stigma, Double-Stigma, and Associated Hurdles: Discussion and Understanding for Muslim Female Tourists

Muhammad Faisal Sultan, Abdul Kabeer Kazi, Muhammad Furquan Saleem, Sadia Khurram
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 7
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8417-3.ch015
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Women always face issues while travelling alone or in the form of a group. However, these issues became more devastating for Muslim women due to religious, safety, personal, and familial issues. Therefore, there is a need for a thorough concentration of motivation, perception and hurdles of Muslim solo or group female tourists. In fact, there are few studies that tried to determine the motivation behind the preference for solo travelling. However, there are few studies that may highlight issues, problems, and threats that may be faced by Islamic women while travelling. Therefore, this chapter has been written purposively to highlight the obstacles that may halt females from travelling. The philosophy of research used for writing this study is epistemology, and the research strategy is archival as the chapter has been formulated by analyzing available literature.
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Stigma And Its Association With Barriers Associated With Muslim Female Tourists

Study of Moufakkir et al (2020) highlighted stigma as the main element that creates meta-stereotyping. In fact, stigma is the used to criticize negatively to any of the person of out group. In fact, study of Moufakkir et al (2015) relates stigma theory with tourism behavior of tourists from developing countries and indicated that these people are perceived as disadvantaged tourists due to the stigma of association. However, Muslim women are suffered from double-stigma, i.e., religious stigma and immigrant stigma. Thus, upcoming part will discuss about different forms of stigmas that may create hurdles for Muslim women in the process of travelling (Moufakkir et al., 2020).

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