Study of Micro and Small Enterprises' Readiness in Implementing Industry 4.0: A Study in Marathwada District of Maharashtra, India

Study of Micro and Small Enterprises' Readiness in Implementing Industry 4.0: A Study in Marathwada District of Maharashtra, India

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9089-1.ch011
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Industry 4.0 aims tp transform the development of global value chains and the development of a digital revolution, with intelligent machines capable of communicating via wireless connections and a connection thought system, resulting in autonomous decision-making. Although large sized firms are adopting Industry 4.0, the small and micro enterprises are facing great difficulties in adopting them. This study aims to identify the areas in which Enterprises need to focus for improving their level of readiness and develop strategies and plans to adopt Industry 4.0 technologies successfully. 219 samples were collected using snowball sampling from Marathwada District in Maharashtra, India. factor analysis was conducted using SPSS and different factors acting as barriers to implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies were identified.
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Research Objectives

The key objectives of this research are specified below:

  • 1.

    To study the readiness of micro and small enterprises in the adoption of Industry 4.0

  • 2.

    To identify the focus areas that the enterprises need to consider for enhancing their level of readiness towards Industry 4.0

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