Sun Tracking Solar Panel Using Machine Learning

Sun Tracking Solar Panel Using Machine Learning

P. Sriramalakshmi, Amin Babu, G. Arjun
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 19
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1586-6.ch002
(Individual Chapters)
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Increasing demand for electricity will gradually lead to depletion of coal and fossil fuel resources in the near future. Solar energy can be advantageous to a great extent as it is the most abundant form of non-renewable resource. To make most of the power from photovoltaic cells, development should focus on getting greater efficiencies using solar panel arrays. This chapter proposes a sun tracking solar panel system that utilizes machine learning algorithms to optimize the orientation of the solar panels towards the sun. The system is designed to improve the efficiency of energy production by reducing the shading effect and maximizing the amount of sunlight received by the solar panels. Linear regression, polynomial regression, ridge regression, and lasso regression models were used to predict the optimal angle for the solar panels. The results of the study demonstrate that the proposed system using machine learning algorithms can improve the performance of the solar panel system and increase energy production.
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  • The ML module, allows us to rotate or direct the plates perpendicular towards the sun rays, without using the LDR sensor. - Initially, data set is generated using the LDR sensors and is stored in database.

  • The regression equation is generated using the data, in function of time and angle by the module.

  • Then the tracker is rotated at a particular angle by the time input calculated with the regression equation.



Polynomial Regression

The link between the independent variable x and the dependent variable y are described as an nth degree polynomial in polynomial regression, a type of regression analysis. When a linear relationship between x and y is insufficient to adequately represent the data, this polynomial regression method is applied. In order to better fit the data, polynomial regression might identify nonlinear correlations. Nevertheless, it can also be more prone to overfitting, therefore the polynomial's degree must be carefully chosen (Samimi-Akhijahani & Arabhosseini, 2018). The block diagram of polynomial regression is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Block diagram of polynomial regression


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