A Survey of Competency Management Software Information Systems in the Framework of Human Resources management

A Survey of Competency Management Software Information Systems in the Framework of Human Resources management

Alfonso Urquiza
Copyright: © 2007 |Pages: 42
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59904-343-2.ch003
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
10% Discount:-$3.75


One of the greatest surprises of the Internet economy is that far from replacing people, the use of advanced technology is confirming that Talent is the most valuable asset in today’s organizations. In this context, Competency Management(CM) Software automation practices become the most valuable business approach to define, measure and manage talent needs, the Human Capital of the organization. This Survey’s position is that CM process automation in competitive, knowledge intensive e-business oriented organizations, requires that IT addresses Software strategy in a comprehensive Human Resources Management(HRM) Framework. Core Competency management related applications are deployed in current corporate e-business transformation processes in association with the use of innovative Employee – facing relations management technology and reengineering most HR transactional Domain type of applications in place. The Chapter shows the CM Software evolution from a previous fragmented Market situation to a much more integrated scenario in which best of breed single-function oriented products preferences are now swiftly moving to the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) type of architecture.

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