SWARMS: A Platform for Domain Knowledge Management and Applications

SWARMS: A Platform for Domain Knowledge Management and Applications

Jie Tang, Bangyong Liang, Juanzi Li
Copyright: © 2009 |Pages: 31
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-028-8.ch008
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter describes the architecture and the main features of SWARMS, a platform for domain knowledge management. The platform aims at providing services for 1) efficiently storing and accessing the ontological information; 2) visualizing the networking structure in the ontological data; 3) searching and mining the semantic data. One advantage of the system is that it provides a suite of components for not only supporting efficient semantic data storage but also searching and mining the semantics. Another advantage is that the system supports visualization in the process of search and mining, which would greatly help a normal user to understand the knowledge inside the ontological data. SWARMS can be easily customized to adapt to different domains. The system has been applied to several domains, such as News, Software, and Social Network. In this chapter, we will also present the performance evaluations of the system.
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Architecture Of Swarms

We start by giving a general overview of SWARMS. SWARMS includes (1) an indexing module that creates indexes for both semantic data and text-based data, (2) a knowledge access layer which provides a common API for accessing the knowledge data, which also includes a cache module to fast the search process, (2) a knowledge search engine that can search both semantic data and the text-based data, (4) an association search module that searches for the connections between instances, (5) a mining module that includes several basic mining algorithms including propagation and clustering, and (6) a visualization module that supports visualizing the process of search, association search, and mining.

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