Tech Unleashed: The Influential Power of Artificial Intelligence on Venture Capital and Startups

Tech Unleashed: The Influential Power of Artificial Intelligence on Venture Capital and Startups

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 23
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1326-8.ch011
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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An extensive examination of how artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the venture capital and startup scene can be found in “Tech Unleashed: The Influential Power of Artificial Intelligence on Venture Capital and Startups.” The chapter explores a number of important topics, and stresses the revolutionary impact that AI plays in this dynamic ecology. The first section of the chapter introduces the field of venture capital and startups as well as the growing role of artificial intelligence. It establishes the mutually beneficial relationship between artificial intelligence, venture capital, and startups, laying the groundwork for the talks to come. The chapter reveals the swift ascent of AI-driven businesses in several industries. It demonstrates how artificial intelligence (AI) is the engine of innovation, empowering companies to take on real-world problems and upend established business paradigms.
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Review Of Literature

In recent years, there has been a substantial amount of attention paid to the dynamic and wide topic of the impact that Artificial Intelligence (AI) has had on venture capital (VC) and entrepreneurs. Artificial intelligence (AI)-powered investment decision-making is a prominent area of investigation that focuses on how AI influences venture capital decision-making. The literature investigates the process by which artificial intelligence algorithms examine huge amounts of data in order to recognise investment possibilities, reduce risks, and anticipate market trends. Because of their potential for disruption and scalability, venture capitalists frequently show interest in startups that exploit artificial intelligence technologies (Mehta et al.,2023; Röhm et al.,2022)

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