The Academic Workplace: HRD's Potential for Creating and Maintaining a Positive Organizational Culture and Climate during Organizational Change

The Academic Workplace: HRD's Potential for Creating and Maintaining a Positive Organizational Culture and Climate during Organizational Change

Julie Gedro
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-9998-4.ch009
(Individual Chapters)
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This manuscript will consider higher education institutions as workplaces, and it will explore the relationships between the shifting landscape of higher education, the corresponding organizational changes that are identified and implemented by college and university leaders in response to those shifts, and workplace culture and climate. Its purpose is to offer a typology of HRD interventions that respond to organizational needs for skill building and education in order to equip individuals and organizations to thrive during periods of significant change. The context for this chapter is mostly through a U.S. based lens, although it is likely that several concepts and suggestions might have transnational relevance.
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The approach that this manuscript uses is a conceptual one, one in which I identified literature that, as Callahan (2010) suggested, supports and informs the premise of the manuscript. A conceptual framework “makes connections between multiple bodies of literature and knowledge bases to make claims toward a particular argument” (p. 302). My investigation includes some of the literature of organizational change, and related topics such as changes in higher education; workplace civility, trust, and collegiality; leadership, and positive organizational studies. Drawing upon literature from higher education, human resource development, management, organizational studies and psychology, the ideas and suggestions set forth here represent a composite of the ways in which HRD practice can facilitate organizational change in higher educational institutions.

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