The Adoption of Social Media as Marketing Tools: Case Small and Medium Enterprises in Brunei Darussalam

The Adoption of Social Media as Marketing Tools: Case Small and Medium Enterprises in Brunei Darussalam

Siti Farzana Izzati Haji Jaman, Nurin Jazlina Haji Damit, Nurul Amirah Ishak, Monica Lesley Anak Ason, Mimi Rahzia Tamin, Korachal Tangphadungrutch, Mohammad Nabil Almunawar
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9155-0.ch040
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The rapid adoption of social media in business is becoming more evident over the years. Most businesses view social media as a chance to build two-way communication with customers and to create unique marketing communication tools. Nonetheless, research on social media adoption, particularly, in the case of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is still limited. In Brunei Darussalam, SMEs are regarded as a key player in industrial development. Thus, the objectives of this study are to investigate the factors that mainly drive social media adoption among the SMEs in Brunei, to determine the types of social media platforms that they used as well as to examine the potential benefits and challenges of adopting it. The researchers administered online questionnaires to 57 CEO or managers of local SMEs. Based on the empirical findings of this research, technological factors, ease of use and perceived benefits, are the prominent drivers for social media adoption among SMEs in Brunei.
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Social media is a platform that provides high interactivity with their users. Some examples of social media are WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. With the current Brunei economy is still in recovering process, companies are being cautious in utilising effective techniques to channel their businesses to their potential and current customers. Many companies regard social media as an effective channel in spreading word-of-mouth (Cohn, 2010). In addition, social media offer companies to implement business practices such as brand building through distributing photos and videos (Billore & Sadh, 2015).

For SMEs social media offer numerous utilitarian benefits. It requires low IT skills and minimal costs to utilize social media. Apart from that, incorporating social media to business processes enables SMEs to promote their products and services, manage their business reputation, and reach various market niches to amplify business’ popularity (Billore & Sadh, 2015). On that account, this produce an effective marketing tool for SMEs in achieving their business goals, developing relationship, gaining loyalty and trust along with obtaining feedback with customers.

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