The Clinic as the Classroom: Blending Educational and Clinical Preparation in Play Therapy

The Clinic as the Classroom: Blending Educational and Clinical Preparation in Play Therapy

Dee C. Ray, Hannah Robinson
Copyright: © 2019 |Pages: 22
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-8226-7.ch004
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Play therapy training clinics are vital to the success of the field of play therapy, as they serve as the foundation for play therapists' education and clinical training. Furthermore, play therapy training differs depending on the developmental level of the play therapist. In this chapter, the authors present a clinical educational program for graduate level students designed to prepare play therapists through practicum experiences based in a play therapy training clinic. The authors address the structure of beginning and advanced play therapy trainings as well as practicum and internship courses, and provide detailed information regarding supervisors, potential course assignments, scheduling, play therapy skills, play therapy rooms, and supervision.
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Play Therapy Skills Checklist

The Center for Play Therapy created the PTSC, which is intended to be used as a clinical form to facilitate skills and ways of being for students learning play therapy (see Appendix 1). Initially created by the Center for Play Therapy for use during both beginning and advanced play therapy trainings, the PTSC has undergone several revisions during the many years of its’ use. The PTSC closely follows the play therapy skills outlined by Landreth (2012) and Ray (2011) in their foundational play therapy books. Additionally, the PTSC has been included as a component of supervision for play therapists in research studies in order to ensure the play therapists follow child-centered play therapy (CCPT) protocol (Ray, Purswell, Haas, & Aldrete, 2017). The PTSC is used developmentally across the clinical play therapy curriculum and in play therapy clinics. While basic descriptions of the PTSC and its’ components are included below, readers are encouraged to reference Ray (2004) and Ray and colleagues (2017) for more information regarding the PTSC and its’ use in research and supervision.

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