The Conceptual and Architectural Design of an Intelligent Intrusion Detection System

The Conceptual and Architectural Design of an Intelligent Intrusion Detection System

Mradul Dhakar, Akhilesh Tiwari
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-9866-4.ch024
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The tremendous work in the field of security has made enormous efforts towards the ascertainment of innovative ideas along with their practical applicability. These motivated the security agencies to adopt them practically. But adequate remedies are not accomplished yet due to the enhanced technological aspects even in the unlawful communities. These communities have become a major concern for the security agencies and can be considered as unaddressed issue. This concern led to the introduction of Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs). The IDS is a means for detecting the intrusive events concealed among the activities of normal users. Additionally, such systems also provide necessary assistance in preventing future intrusions. The present chapter focuses on improving the performance of the IDS in order to meet the contemporary progression by proposing a system that is able to achieve a system that is effective, adaptive and intelligent in nature and is able to remarkably detect intrusions. In order to accomplish the desired system, the chapter involves development of intelligent IDS.
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Types Of Attack

This Section describes the major types of attack that are being detected by an intrusion detection system. There are four major attack categories (Peddabachigari, Abraham, Grosanc & Thomas, 2007; Jiang, Song, Wang, Han & Li, 2006) in general and are described in the following subsections.

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