The Future of Cyber-Crimes and Cyber War in the Metaverse

The Future of Cyber-Crimes and Cyber War in the Metaverse

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 23
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0220-0.ch007
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
10% Discount:-$3.75


The future of cybercrimes and cyber warfare in the metaverse is a topic of concern. Understanding the emerging landscape is crucial. With technological advancements and the pervasive influence of the metaverse, new cyber threats have emerged. This chapter provides an overview of challenges and ramifications associated with cybercrimes and cyber warfare in the metaverse. It explores evolving cyber threats in the metaverse, considering AI, machine learning, and quantum computing. Cybercrimes include virtual asset theft, identity theft, phishing, harassment, and online extortion. Cyber warfare in the metaverse involves state-sponsored attacks, espionage, information warfare, and manipulation of virtual defense systems. Robust cybersecurity measures, collaboration among stakeholders, and cyber literacy are essential to mitigate risks.
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Difference Between Cyber-Crime And Cyber Warfare

Cybercrime and cyber warfare both are terms associated with malicious activities in the digital realm, but they differ in terms of scope, intent, and targets (Bernik, 2014). Here are the key differences between cybercrime and cyber warfare:

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