The Future of Mobility: Key Areas That Play a Significant Role in Expatriates' Future Decisions

The Future of Mobility: Key Areas That Play a Significant Role in Expatriates' Future Decisions

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-3749-0.ch006
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The globally mobile workforce of international professionals has been significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Closed borders and entry restrictions for foreign residents have left many expatriates separated from partners and family members. Previously held assumptions about the ability to travel whenever needed have been severely challenged, thus leaving some questioning the attractiveness of living and working abroad. The expectations of mobility that individuals as well as organizations used to have are changed. The research aimed to assess the impact of factors like travel and other restrictions on the priorities of expatriates and on their willingness to consider future mobility, as well as how the disruption affected expatriates' concept of family. The research shows that organizations will have to examine if expatriation is a sustainable strategy. Both expatriates and organizations are more than ever subjected to local government regulations concerning the acceptance and conditions of life and travel for expatriates.
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This chapter identifies the terms relevant to the study. It defines the globally mobile workforce of international professionals and their families and the different kinds of expatriates that participated in the study. It explores the changes in the concept of global mobility, as well as the requirements of the global talent pool of which expatriates are a part. It also briefly describes the background of the study, including the global pandemic.

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