The Future of Social Media Entrepreneurship in Business for Women Entrepreneurs

The Future of Social Media Entrepreneurship in Business for Women Entrepreneurs

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 18
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1781-5.ch014
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This research explores how social media transforms women's entrepreneurship, examining its impact on networking, information gathering, and crowdfunding. Assessing advantages, disadvantages, and global potential, it addresses challenges and growth strategies. Acknowledging rapid social media growth, especially on platforms like Facebook and Instagram, the study delves into technology's role, emphasizing underdeveloped countries. It investigates challenges for rural women, proposing strategies for business expansion. The study emphasizes the future of social media entrepreneurship for women, highlighting creativity, productivity, and overcoming societal barriers. Practical applications include guidance for female entrepreneurs, aiding organizations in promoting women in business. The mixed-methods approach, despite limitations, contributes valuable insights to the evolving field.
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In the last ten years, social media's (SM) explosive expansion has changed the face of entrepreneurship (Troise, Dana, Tani, & Lee, 2022). Social media platforms, including Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook, have revolutionized the way entrepreneurs operate by encouraging creativity, transparency, and idea management (Troise et al., 2022). They promote the development of relationships, strengthen communication, and boost productivity in the workplace. Through its ability to link entrepreneurs with wider networks, social media (SM) fosters emotional attachments, increases creativity, and enhances business chances (Troise et al., 2022). Creating valuable development towards economy and job creation, the number of business women are increasing vastly in this current era. (Alhakimi & Albashiri, 2023) due to many facilities of social media and the future of social media entrepreneurship for women is promising, driven by evolving platforms that offer accessibility, flexibility, cost-effective marketing, and global reach(Rahman, Hasan, Chandra Deb, Rahman, & Kabir, 2023).Women entrepreneurs on platforms like Facebook are breaking stereotypes and empowering others.(Rahman et al., 2023). Furthermore, through the creation of jobs, women entrepreneurs contribute significantly to economic growth (Hossain, Nurunnabi, Hussain, & Saha, 2019). Studies have indicated that those who use digital technology and participate in a variety of online activities have both advantages and disadvantages (Olsson & Bernhard, 2021a). It is well known that social media platforms have a worldwide potential for empowering women entrepreneurs. Findings show that starting a social media-based business involves very little infrastructure, very little funding, and just rudimentary technological knowledge (Rahman et al., 2023). Furthermore, because to recent technology advancements, individuals have access to the internet (Emmanuel, Qin, Hossain, & Hussain, 2022) and other communication tools even in remote regions (Rahman et al., 2023) and additionally, social media has a big impact on entrepreneurship as it gives female entrepreneurs a rare chance to increase their information exposure (Troise et al., 2022).This makes it easier for people to perform social media entrepreneurship in both rural and metropolitan locations (Mohsin, Hongzhen, & Hossain, 2021). Therefore, women may finally realize their long-held dream of transitioning from traditional economic activities—especially home-based farming—to a fully functional corporate structure through this type of business opportunity(Rahman et al., 2023). Again, women's business owners and organizations may encourage transparency with the use of social media. These platforms have the potential to improve organizational idea capture (Hossain, Nurunnabi, Hussain, & Shan, 2020) and management procedures as well as speed up and improve the efficacy of innovation processes (Troise et al., 2022) .To sell, attract, engage, and communicate with clients, women in this business just manage a Facebook page. They only require a smartphone or laptop with an internet connection in this respect(Rahman et al., 2023). Specifically, some academics claim that these platforms generate a number of advantages related to learning and knowledge management that might enhance organizational performance. Early challenges and shortcomings faced by female entrepreneurs can be surmounted because to social media's openness and connectedness (Troise et al., 2022). This research paper will explore how social media is transforming the landscape for female entrepreneurs. Additionally, it will examine the advantages of social media on networking and information collecting(Olanrewaju, Hossain, Whiteside, & Mercieca, 2020) as well as how social media helps in boosting innovation and company performance through cutting cost and maximizing efficacy in various operations. It seeks to assess social media's capacity to empower women and to understand the challenges and opportunities that face female digital entrepreneurs. It also looks at how social media is revolutionizing the business landscape for women-owned small businesses (Alhakimi & Albashiri, 2023) and how to overcome societal, cultural, financial, and educational barriers.

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