The Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on SMEs Performance: An Exploratory Study in Brunei Darussalam

The Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on SMEs Performance: An Exploratory Study in Brunei Darussalam

Chin Han Wuen, Fahmi Ibrahim, Kabiru Jinjiri Ringim
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9155-0.ch066
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There is currently a dearth of knowledge for human resource management under an SMEs context. As a result, it is assumed that human resource management based on large business organizations is applicable for SMEs at a smaller scale. From the resource-based view, this article investigates the impact of human resource management practices towards the SMEs in Brunei Darussalam. By conducting an exploratory study, a questionnaire survey of 296 was collected from the local SMEs to ascertain how the human resource management practices impact their performance. This is followed by the analyzing the result via the Pearson Correlation and Multiple Linear Regression which suggests that specific human resource management practices have a significant impact on the SMEs. As part of the contribution, the article extends the knowledge of human resource management in SMEs context by understanding their impact towards the SMEs performance.
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Resource Based View

The main idea of RBV is many business organizations are competing with similar goods and services due to the similar source of resources (Peteraf & Bergen, 2003). Although it is essential to gain access to the source, it is equally important to manage and synchronize them effectively (Holcomb et al., 2009). The RBV is one of the strategic management theories which describe how business organizations achieve competitive advantage by configuring their resources to become (i) rare; (ii) difficult to imitate; and (iii) difficult to substitute (Costa et al., 2013; L’Ecuyer & Raymond, 2017). This reasoning explains how different business organizations in terms of size, are able to thrive by relying their internal factors (Kasturi et al., 2006).

This implies the importance of linking key resources with the business performance (Kunc & Morecroft, 2010). Based on the RBV, the business organizations can achieve sustainable competitive advantage by implementing the proper HRM practices (Batt & Hermans, 2012). This is due to the value of HRM practices are derived from the employees’ knowledge and capability (Newman & Sheikh, 2014). Therefore, this study will further analyze how the HRM practices are significant to the SMEs performance.

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