The Pre-i2Flex Model as Applied in Upper Elementary

The Pre-i2Flex Model as Applied in Upper Elementary

Eleftheria Maratos, Evangelia Evloyias
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7760-8.ch019
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter is about setting the stage in upper elementary for i2Flex. The two perspectives will be presented as they are implemented in the fourth and fifth grades. The first part of the chapter will be a showcase of different instructional strategies used in both grade levels while implementing the i2Flex model. In the second part, the authors share specific examples of their practices supporting their students with the foundational skills needed to transition smoothly into the i2Flex model, while meeting curriculum demands and the needs of the 21st century learner. Students at ACS Athens are introduced to Moodle® from the 4th grade and continue to effectively use this platform in 5th grade. It is used as an integrated system in creating personalized learning environments which aim to foster student engagement, to familiarize students with technology, to build research and typing skills, to learn foundational computer skills, and lastly, these personalized learning environments serve as alternatives to traditional homework and preparation for lessons.
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The American Community Schools (ACS) of Athens is a JK-12 International school embracing an American educational philosophy, values, beliefs, and principles located in Athens, Greece. ACS Athens is committed to inspiring students to realize and reach their unique potential.

In this chapter, the focus is on the upper elementary (fourth and fifth grade) where there are no more than 20 students per class. ACS Athens is a diverse multicultural community and the classes are heterogeneous with students ages 9-11. Our school embraces an American curriculum and uses a plethora of pedagogic methods of teaching to best meet our students’ needs.

Why Do We Implement Pre-i2Flex Methodology In Upper Elementary?

As educators, one of our goals is to, “adapt teaching according to the ever-evolving trends as set by information and communication technologies in a systematic, unceasing pursuit of the optimal learning conditions for each individual student” (Avgerinou & Gialamas, 2016, page 145). Within i2Flex blendedness, Avgerinou & Gialamas (2016) argue that this should be perceived as a continuum of blends and instructional methodologies where the focus is on striving to optimize student learning by providing personalized learning opportunities within the classroom facilitated by technology. The aim of using the i2Flex methodology is to expand on students’ 21st-century skills while at the same time empowering them to become architects of their own learning (per the ACS Athens’ vision).

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