The Role of a Social Worker in Children Dragged Into Crime According to the Turkish Penalty System in the Digital World

The Role of a Social Worker in Children Dragged Into Crime According to the Turkish Penalty System in the Digital World

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7772-1.ch002
(Individual Chapters)
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Social work plays an important role in managing the process of planning, supervising, and ensuring the sustainability of protective and supportive measures applied to children who are dragged into crime and in need of protection in order to prevent incompatibilities that may arise in society. Social workers are actors in the field in the execution of the process. In this chapter, these practitioners who have made significant contributions to social work by giving reports and opinions about the measures taken by the courts about the children dragged into crime, determining the criminal tendencies of the children and the necessary precautions and training, are examined closely in the context of the Turkish legal system. The chapter includes the issues of judicial control, protective and supportive measures, preparation of a plan for the implementation of cautionary decisions, confidentiality, the role of the social worker and the social worker board for children who are dragged into crime and in need of protection.
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Research Methodology

The systematic review method was adopted in this chapter (Papaioannou et al., 2010; Tranfield, Denyer, & Smart, 2003). Within the scope of the purpose of the study, the research questions were determined as follows: Who is the child dragged into crime according to the Turkish penal system? What are the practices regarding protective, supportive, and health measures as well as counseling, education, and accommodation, care, and confidentiality of children dragged into crime? What are the roles of the social worker about children dragged into crime? The research questions were determined by taking into account the problems experienced by the children dragged into crime in the Turkish penal system and the need to determine the role of the social worker.

After the questions of the study were determined, a wide literature review was carried out (Petticrew & Roberts, 2008). The Turkish penal system, the Turkish Penal Code, Criminal Procedure Law, and other legislative provisions were examined and included in the study. The legislation was obtained as the current legislation from Turkey's official website. The theoretical framework obtained by the literature review and the information in the Turkish legal system were combined to form the concepts and sub-concepts. The content was created by determining the titles with the coding and classification methods (Belotto, 2018). After the content and titles were matched, headings were created (Green et al., 2007). After all titles and content were created, a separate analysis was performed for their internal consistency (Chowdhury, 2015). Finally, after the classification was checked, the final version of the study was created (Locke, Feldman, & Golden-Biddle, 2020).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Rational Choice Theory: A theory that reveals the rational behavior patterns of individuals that emerge with cost-benefit analysis in the face of economic systems and provides strategy suggestions in presenting predictions about the results.

Family Life Cycle Theory: A theory that reveals the effects of culture-to-culture rituals such as birth, adolescence, roles of family members, marriage, divorce, circumcision, military service, death on individuals.

Transpersonal Theory: A theory that places emphasis on the spiritual aspect of humans, and the importance of spirituality in individual development.

Social Worker: A professional who graduated from institutions providing education in the fields of psychological counseling and guidance, psychology, and social work and who provides necessary rehabilitation and counseling services for victims of crime, children, disabled people, women, and ensuring the adaptation of individuals to society.

Psychosocial Development Theory: A theory that provides a maturation timetable in the management of crisis situations by neutralizing the negative effects of external factors and the inner world, and includes the approach of childhood period consisting of infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood.

Child Dragged Into Crime: The child who has been investigated or prosecuted for the allegation of committing an act defined as a crime in the laws, or for whom a security measure is decided due to the act.

Conflict Theory: A theory that investigates the cause-and-effect relationships of inequality and conflicts that arise between people and groups in society.

Humanistic Theory: A theory that includes the approach of the individual having a desire for self-realization over time and that personal strengths increase awareness, emphasizing the factors that affect the individual's self-knowledge and awareness of his / her strength.

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