Tolerance as Reflection of Sliding Mode in Psychology

Tolerance as Reflection of Sliding Mode in Psychology

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-2292-8.ch009
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As it has been pointed out in Chapter 3, sliding mode in communication, particularly real communication, may be regarded as a technique of regulating tolerance problems. The problem of tolerance has not been fully covered despite the interest for it in various fields of science. With the accumulation of substantial empirical material, evident is the lack of generalizing research. Among scarcely covered are administration, political and professional tolerance.
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Despite the great number of works on the essence of tolerance, its structure and components are still to be described. There is also variety of views on definition of tolerance. Depending on the context, tolerance is filled with a specific sense. Most researchers state that psychological contents of tolerance cannot be concentrated on one property or characteristic due to the complexity of the phenomenon.

Integrity of tolerance was highlighted as early as the 1950-s. It was considered that this feature resulted from a number of forces acting in a personality in one direction: of temperament, social space and education in the family, acquired experience, sociocultural factors. It means the impossibility of describing tolerance as based on one concept (integrity) and in one dimension only. The term “tolerance” should be regarded in two psychological senses: psychophysiological (resistance towards adverse factors of activity) and socio-psychological (tolerance to others, social tolerance).

The psycho-physiological aspect of considering tolerance links it to the measure of resistance to stresses, adverse factors of environment and own irritants. Literary sources on this problem prove that tolerance is connected with the main properties of the nervous system. Among psycho-physiological parameters backing up the productivity of activity and specifics of tolerant behavior in strenuous conditions, of great importance is the force of irritation process, mobility and balance of nervous processes. The trainings in free and forced sliding modes in both psychological senses have shown that the role of nervous system specifics in determination of a person’s tolerant behavior is not absolute. In some activities characterized by high emotion of conditions, either one, or the other of the two contrary poles of the parameter for each nervous system property can play both a positive and a negative role.

Tolerance as sustainability and resistance allows for adjustment to adverse factors, in this case it is characterized by adaptability.

In social aspect tolerance is regarded as a social and psychological phenomenon that manifests itself through the way of interacting with the outer space. In this sense, tolerance is expressed in strife for understanding and agreement in the process of communication and interaction by means of cooperation and dialog based on a person’s ability to accept another person in his/ her diversity.

For a modern professional, developing tolerance is turning into a strategically important goal. Tolerance is vitally important for any specialist and has certain specifics in various professions. Professional tolerance is one of the competence bases for a number of jobs as it determines economic efficiency or inefficiency of professional activity.

Tolerance may be regarded as integral personal characteristics of an individual defang its ability to interact with the outer world actively in problem situations. Tolerant personality possesses a set of qualities providing for its constructive professional development, having skills of tolerant interaction.

Tolerant interaction is characterized by the following manifestations: preference to kindness values, independence, responsibility, absence of expressed assessment, empathy, cooperation, activity, prevalence of active strategies of coping with difficulties, reconstructing the system of self-regulation in accordance with changing outer and inner conditions, high degree of reflexivity, internal control locus, optimism, emotional balance, ability to control impulsive behavior, responsibility, adequacy of self-assessment, positive self-perception, extraversion, openness for the new experience (Semionova, 2016).

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