Toward Distributed QoS Driven Wireless Messaging Infrastructure

Toward Distributed QoS Driven Wireless Messaging Infrastructure

Souheil Khaddaj, Bippin Makoond
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-0191-8.ch018
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The Telecoms market is demanding more services which involve an increased mobile accessibility to the Internet, real time video transmission, real time games, Voice over IP (VOIP), and business critical transactions such as billing transactions and banking services. Meeting these challenges requires the mobile operators to change the way they design their telephony and messaging systems. As the mobile market moves to become more service centric, rather than technology centric, Quality of Service (QoS) has grown to become imperative, since in the Telecoms innovative services are very often short lived, where the quality aspects of a system and the provided services contribute as key differentiators. Thus, the main focus of this chapter is based around the QoS issues which have led to the consideration of a distributed messaging model to address the challenges faced in the Telecoms industry.
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Mobile Telecom: From Technology To Services

In his study of economic history, Joseph Schumpeter (Schumpeter, 1975) described the process of major technological change as “creative destruction.” The convergence with IP is changing the strategic business model of Telecoms operators since they are not dealing with Telecoms specific and proprietary technological infrastructure any more. The new messaging model extends beyond the traditional SMS and MMS protocols to include the complexity of IP messaging systems. As a result, Telecoms operators are faced with the same problems as those of the IT departments, which are typically challenges of commoditisation, scaling resources, Information Technology management (IT and Cyber Parks) and efficient operational management. Telecoms operators are required to change their ways and culture of operating their business to include the aspects of economics, cost and earned value management of the IP technological models into their organisations.

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