Towards Trusted, Transparent and Motivational Professional Education System Through Blockchain

Towards Trusted, Transparent and Motivational Professional Education System Through Blockchain

Santosh Kumar Pani, Rajdeep Chatterjee, Nihar Ranjan Mahapatra
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-5351-0.ch067
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The learning process has evolved with time. The primary change that technologies have brought into the learning process is more structure and activity based. It has become a necessity and a mandate as well to keep a track of details of educational activities so that it can be referred back to at any point in time. Moreover, it requires a secure protocol which is trustworthy, transparent, less vulnerable and requires near zero involvement of mediators. Blockchain technology has a tremendous potential to disrupt the education sector. Its implementation will help to maintain time-stamped record keeping that can be validated for all types of activities involved in the professional education system. This article proposes a blockchain-based model for professional education systems. The model not only ensures digital identity, verifiable records, but also motivates learning process by rewarding B-coins for learning activities. It inherits the security, robustness of underlying blockchain technology and eliminates the need for verification by an intermediate agency.
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Blockchain is relatively recent technology and very few articles are reported in literature.

Joint Research Center (JCR), a European agency has come up with a policy report on Blockchain in Education in the year 2017 (Grech & Camilleri, 2017). They have focused on the disruptive ability of the Blockchain technology on the existing education framework. It suggests that Blockchain empowers the evidence-based learning through self-assessment in a continuous evaluation framework. The report emphasizes on complete digitized paperless education system with end of paper certificates. They have also suggested a reward-based learning model for encouragement in learning activities.

(Kuvshinov et al., 2018) have discussed specific domain based Blockchain application in Education. They have focused on data security, user privacy and data management. They have addressed different issues raised due to storing of educational records in Blockchain. They propose a relationship between different stakeholders such as educators, students, employers and also introduce witnesses for better accountability and transparency.

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